8th November 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Please see our weekly round-up of schools' guidance update.
Action | By |
SECONDARY SCHOOLS: Contact Abi Preston with your confirmed vaccination consents no later than 24 hours before the day of your visit: apreston@hillingdon.gov.uk
| No later than 24 hours before your visit |
Ongoing reminders: | |
Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link: https://onlinecollections.des.fasst.org.uk/fastform/educational-setting-status | Weekly |
Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE via this online form | By 1pm on Thursday 11th November 2021 December TBC |
Important Information - TUPE Transfers and Outsourcing
If you intend to outsource a contract it is essential that you are aware of TUPE and the associated regulatory requirements for the Pension Fund. You have a legal duty to ensure all pension related admission agreements are signed and approved as well as the associated bond or parent company guarantee. These need to be in place before the outsourcing contract is signed and staff are transferred. Please see the 'TUPE Transfers and Outsourcing' guidance for further information.
Vaccination Curriculum Resources - Secondary Schools
Dear colleagues,
My name is Jen and I'm the Communications and Campaign Manager for London Councils Keep London Safe campaign. Earlier this year we developed two curriculum packs for use in schools across London explaining the science and history of vaccines, how the Covid vaccine works, and why it is important that everybody takes the vaccines that are offered to them. This was developed so young children could share information/get involved with conversations when their parents or relatives were offered the vaccine. As 12-17-year-olds are now being offered the vaccination in schools, we have decided to revisit the packs to encourage them to take up the vaccine.
These consist of two assembly plans: one for 12-15-year-olds and one for 16-17- years olds, and reflect on the previous school year and discuss progress in the NHS vaccination programme more broadly. Following the assembly there will be a follow-up lesson which will be delivered in their science or tutor time, depending on their age group, where there will be an open discussion about the vaccine and tackle some of the common misconceptions about the vaccination programme. We are aware that some schools may be reviewing their own COVID-19 rules and might be limiting their contact with larger groups. If this is the case assembly and lesson plans could be delivered over two lessons instead of in an assembly.
The PowerPoints have detailed instructions with talking points for each slide. We have also included some additional information from trusted resources such as the NHS vaccine fact page and the On The Fence podcasts for teachers to share following the session with pupils.
Recent data from the NHS shows that 12-15s in London have a 7.7% vaccine uptake among 12-15s in London as of 9 October (11.6% nationally). Since the ease in restrictions and the return to normal schooling, the rate of infection has increased in school-age children. As of the 12th of October, children aged 10-14 in London had the highest rate of infection in all age groups at 744.4 per 100,000. We know that vaccinations will help slow the spread of the virus in this age group.
We'd like to ask that you make the assembly a priority for after half term, in order to give children, and by proxy, their parent's information about the vaccine programme so they can make an informed decision on whether they should take the vaccine. Resources can be downloaded via the links below:
If you have any questions or feedback on the resources, please contact Jen Turnbull at London Councils (jen.turnbull@londoncouncils.gov.uk).
Business Performance Newsletter - November 2021
Below is the latest edition (16) of the Business Performance Newsletter. This will be distributed to all contacts in the School Admin Network within the next few days.
Business Performance Newsletter November 2021 (PDF, 113 KB)
Thematic Review of Safeguarding in Schools
The Council's Internal Audit team will be conducting a Thematic Review of Safeguarding in Schools as part of the 2021/22 Quarter 3 Internal Audit Plan. The review is due to take place mid-November and will require assistance from some schools.
The audit will be identifying and assessing controls that are in place to manage key risks around safeguarding arrangements in schools. The nature of a thematic review means that results will be collated from all of the schools in our sample and summarised into key themes, enabling an overall assurance opinion to be given.
Each of the schools involved will receive a copy of the Terms of Reference prior to any fieldwork. This will contain specific information about the areas that will be considered.
Assistance with the review would be greatly appreciated, alternatively if you have any questions about the review please do not hesitate to contact us at: Internal-audit@hillingdon.gov.uk
SEND Advisory Service - Supported SEND Review & Inclusion Commitment
The SEND Advisory Service are continuing to offer a supported, self-evaluative analysis of SEND provision, followed by a programme of support.
The supported SEND Review uses the evidence-based framework developed by NASEN / Whole School SEND. If commissioned through their organisation, it would be at a cost of £1500. We can offer this service, with no cost to your school, as part of our targeted offer. There is also an option to undertake the newly revised Inclusion Commitment programme which is also at no cost to your school.
For more information please see the attached document here: Inclusion Commitment or contact Heenal Amin (Schools Team Manager) at hamin@hillingdon.gov.uk
To find out more about the SEND Reviews please follow this link: SEND Reviews | Nasen
Allied Health Careers Promotion in Hillingdon - your chance to shape resources
Hillingdon Health and Care Partners (HHCP) aim to improve care for Hillingdon residents through a joined-up, integrated approach across health care providers. Our Workforce Team is developing a free educational package to market to local schools/colleges as a means of promoting careers in the Allied Health Professions (e.g. Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Paramedic Science) whilst building a local workforce for the future.
We would appreciate if you could take 10 minutes to complete this survey to help shape the resources we will offer your students.
We will use your answers to find out what is important to local educational settings when it comes to careers resources in order to tailor resources to you. We want to establish what provision is already in place, what you'd like to be in place and what formats work for your students. There will also be an opportunity for you to suggest any ideas that you may have.
The survey closes on 31st December 2021 and we will be in touch in early 2022 with some exciting developments!
For more information, please contact victoria.stewart1@nhs.net
Building Climate-Ready Communities
World Science Day for Peace and Development is the brainchild of UNESCO and is celebrated annually on 10th November. This year marks the 20th edition of the celebration. The focus will be to highlight the importance of "Building Climate-Ready Communities". The objective is to bring science closer to society by highlighting some key scientific aspects and possible solutions provided by science, technology, and innovation to some of the major global challenges' society is facing today. The Day offers the opportunity to mobilise all actors around the topic of science for peace and development - from government officials to the media to school pupils. Let's use this day to create events and discussions with our young people. These discussions today could shape their future tomorrow.
Please use this link for more information.
Capital Nourishment Fund for 16-25 year Olds
The Museum of London are offering a fantastic opportunity to receive £1000 to create a project that documents London's food and drink culture.
The Capital Nourishment Fund offers £1000 per project, for young people to collect objects and stories around places of significance in relation to food and drink. It could be around gentrification, fast food places, markets, community cafes for example. There are no fixed ideas about what the objects that are collected might be yet, so it's very open.
The young people who submit a successful collecting idea will be supported through the process, and receive training in collecting processes, budget and project management, amongst other support.
The closing date for submissions is 15.11.21.
Here are the links to the webpages:
Shorter version:
Educational Visits
This year's Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) training is being offered to Hillingdon schools by Evolve Advice Ltd.
Date: Tuesday 16th November 2021
Time: 9.30 am- 12.30 pm
Part 1 - e-learning
This is the self guided e-learning part of the course. This must be completed ahead of part two, access will be granted for this element 5 days before part 2.
Part 2 - Live Zoom (3 hours)
This is the face to face element of the course. The zoom room will open 20 minutes before the start time to allow you time to join and check your connection before starting.
If you have not completed the e-learning by this time you will not receive the invite to part 2.
- Maintained Schools - £85.00 per person
- Academy / Independent Schools - £135 per person
This course is aimed at new and existing EVCs outlines key considerations in planning an educational visit, updating participants with current good practice in the supervision of young people. It will also provide training in strategies used for risk management and risk assessment off-site.
To register for this training, please use this link
Armistice Day 2020
Remembrance maroons will be launched from 11 sites across the borough on 11th November 2021 at 11:00 and 11:02 to mark the start and finish of the two-minute silence. The maroons do make a bang which can be very loud if the site happens to be close to your school so you may wish to let your students know to expect it.
Head Teachers Termly
This session for all Headteachers is taking place virtually on Thursday 11th November 2021 from 2pm to 4pm. Please click here [127KB] for agenda and link to join the meeting.
HR Governors' Training for Maintained Schools (Repeated by Browne Jacobson LLP)
Following on from the positive feedback from governors who attended this session in September, we will have scheduled another training date of this training session to enable other governors from the Board to attend. The training session is open to all governors at maintained schools in Hillingdon - schools are welcome to book multiple places for governors to attend this training. As 49/50 schools attended the first session this is no longer mandatory.
The session will cover roles and responsibilities, pay awards and more.
Session Details:
Date: Thursday 9th December 2021
Time: 17:00-19:00
Virtual link to be provided (MS Teams)
Cost: Free
This session is not designed for Academy schools
Please book you place by completing this booking form by 18th November 2021.
Feedback from the last training session:
It provides an excellent platform to ensure that Governors AND Headteachers remain up to date with best practice and processes and there were a number of things that I wasn't even aware of; hence the PowerPoint presentation is warmly appreciated for ongoing future reference.
Getting processes right in the first instance is crucial and this is an excellent starting point for my role as a Foundation Governor.
The training session was an excellent introduction to Governorship.
As a first time attendee, I found the whole content useful and interesting .
Good session, engaging, and lots of useful information and tips to ensure HT reviews and performance mgmt are done correctly.
Good overview and the questions and responses from both newer governors as well as experienced governors was also enlightening .
Free Governor Briefing Sessions 2021/22 Brochure
All governors are invited to book LA governor briefing sessions. There are a variety of sessions for key service areas and will allow governors to gain a better understanding of the processes and the responsibility of schools. To view the brochure and book your place onto any of these sessions please click here or see the brochure here [305KB].