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22nd November 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly  round-up of schools' guidance update.

Ongoing reminders:  

Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:  https://onlinecollections.des.fasst.org.uk/fastform/educational-setting-status  


Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE via this online form 

December TBC 


Crisis Tools from Healthy Teen Minds & Health Education England

We are sharing some learning resources for those supporting young people in crisis. They are created by Healthy Teen Minds and co-produced with Health Education England.

They are short 15 minute 'learning guides', delivered by young people with lived experience and are available free on their online learning platform - www.crisistools.org.uk

FfT Aspire Subscriptions for April 2022 to March 2023 

FfT have recently released their new subscription charges for 2022/2023. We are asking Head Teachers to confirm whether they will be subscribing in 2022. FfT have sent us an indication of the prices for schools that subscribe in 2022/23. In previous years we have paid the full invoice and then recovered costs from participating schools as this is much cheaper for schools than subscribing directly with FfT. Most of our schools are currently subscribers. 

The indicative prices for 2022/23 show a slight increase from last year, namely: 

  • Infant Schools £110 (was £105) 
  • Primary Schools £205 (was £195) 
  • Secondary Schools £840 (was £820) 
  • (No charge for Special Schools) 

Please could you confirm by email to SBuckingham@hillingdon.gov.uk by Wednesday 15th December 2021 whether you will be subscribing for 2022/23. For existing subscribers if we do not hear by that date we will assume that you will be continuing. It is important that as many schools as possible agree to subscribe as without sufficient numbers we will not be able to cover the costs. In that case we would no longer be able to take out the group subscription at the discounted rate and individual schools would need to make their own arrangements. I have attached a document from FFT showing the new services they offer and new developments in the pipeline for 2022/23. 

Hillingdon - new services FFT 2021 (Word doc, 23 KB)

Ofsted IDSR Release November 2021 

Ofsted have asked us to pass the attached information to all schools. They have released the 2021 Inspection Data Summary report (IDSR). Ofsted are pleased to announce that they have released the 2021 inspection data summary report (IDSR) to allow schools and inspectors access to the latest available data. You can access your IDSR directly through our Ofsted IDSR service or as a link through the DfE's Analyse School Performance (ASP). Both are located on DfE Sign-in of which you will need an account to access and associated permissions for the school/s. 

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2019 data is the latest available results data. School performance may vary yearly, and, due to the uneven impact of COVID-19 on pupils and schools, 2019 data may no longer reflect a school's current performance. The IDSR displays both 2021 and 2019 census data to allow users to view the latest contextual data and the data for pupils who took key stage 4 exams or key stage 2 tests in 2019. 

The following has been updated:  

  • contextual information based on the January 2021 census  
  • exclusions data has been updated to the final release of 2019/20  
  • autumn 2020 one term absence release with pupil group data  
  • 2021 key stage 4 subject entries data  
  • latest key stage 4 destinations data  
  • latest school workforce census data  
  • latest MAT/LA data  
  • latest financial data 

The school sixth form section has not been updated, yet. This update will be in early 2022 which will also include two term absence data and several developments following feedback from schools and local authorities. We will communicate this release and the changes closer to the time. Please ensure you download the latest version of your IDSR, which will have 12 November 2021 as the release date.  

In addition to these data updates, we have released some minor developments and have published an updated HTML guidance document for the IDSR. This includes example/anonymised IDSRs and supporting data tables in accessible ODS format: 

https://www.gov.uk/guidance/school-inspection-data-summary-report-idsr-guide https://www.gov.uk/guidance/16-to-19-inspection-data-summary-report-idsr-guide  

Should you have any IDSR queries, please contact either:  

Schools team - School.Performance.Data@ofsted.gov.uk  

16 to 19 team - FEandSkillsData@ofsted.gov.uk 

Computing Hub Funded Training Offers 

Please see attached online funded training offers open to Hillingdon school staff.

Computing Hub Newsletter Nov21 (PDF, 875 KB)

South West London OU/UKLA Teachers' Reading Group for Primary and Early Years Teachers, Librarians and Support Staff 

Professional development informed by Open University 'Reading for Pleasure' Research. A series of 6 sessions designed to develop children's engagement as readers.  An opportunity to discuss and enjoy contemporary children's literature in a friendly and supportive group.  

This CPD will provide: 

  • the opportunity to share knowledge about children's texts and literature in the classroom and beyond; 
  • a space to reflect on and improve individual and school Reading for Pleasure practice; 
    opportunities to explore recent research and look at ways to embed good practice. 

For more details please see this flyer TRG poster.21-22 (PDF, 309 KB)

Parent Survey on RE - please add to your school newsletters  

Are you a parent of school age children? We'd like to hear your views and your children's experiences of RE. This questionnaire from the Faith and Belief Forum is part of research into 'Stakeholders' attitudes towards Religion and Worldviews' carried out by the Open University and Inform at Kings College London and is funded by Culham St Gabriel's Trust. 

We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes of your time to respond to the questionnaire, found at:  Parental views of RE and Religion and Worldviews 



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