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29th November 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly Education Executive Summary round-up of schools' guidance update.


Ongoing reminders:   

Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:   



Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE via this online form  



By 12 pm  Thursday 9th December  



Education Advisor Update 

Wendy Todd will be leaving the London Borough of Hillingdon at Christmas. We would like to thank Wendy for all her work supporting and improving schools across the borough over the past year. We wish Wendy well for her future roles. 

Recruitment is currently underway to ensure education advisory continuity for schools and we hope to announce an update before we break up for Christmas. 


Positive Choices - For attention of lead teacher for Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)" and "Relationships Education (RSHE) 

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is offering your school the opportunity to be involved in delivering (free of charge) and evaluating a new RSHE programme for secondary schools called Positive Choices which is delivered by the Sex Education Forum charity. This allows the school to ensure delivery aligns with new statutory requirements for RSHE as well as preventing gender-based harassment. Full details and a sign-up form are attached. If your school is keen to take part, the form should be signed by the Headteacher, scanned and emailed back to me at chris.bonell@lshtm.ac.uk. A firm commitment and signed contract will be needed by the end of the autumn term.   

However, as only five places remain, it would be very helpful if you could register your interest by Friday 3rd December. I will then get in touch if you need any further information or have any questions. If you wish to discuss the project first, please call me on 07532 392 862 or email me at chris.bonell@lshtm.ac.uk.   

Benefits for the school   

Participating schools will have the opportunity to implement Positive Choices, an evidence-based programme which aims to promote healthy relationships and school engagement, improve health and prevent harassment and LGBTQI bullying. Positive Choices ensures schools are implementing statutory RSHE and supports their broader duty to promote pupil social and emotional wellbeing and personal development. Involvement also contributes to meeting Ofsted's requirement to communicate well with parents under the leadership and management judgement and helps address safeguarding requirements.  The programme also aligns with the new recommendations from Ofsted about addressing gender-based harassment in schools. Provision includes free training, lesson plans and learning resources. Staff receive free, quality training in RSE delivered by England's leading authority on RSE, the Sex Education Forum, and full lesson plans and curriculum resources to implement the programme. The programme is evaluated by Europe's leading public health institute, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). The evaluation offers students the chance to meet and work with leading public health scientists, some of whom have played a key role in scientific advice to government on Covid-19 and other major health issues.   

 Positive Choices [27KB]


Support Students to Access Free Period Products in School or College 

The Education Hub has published information on how schools and colleges can support their students to access free period products. Please use the link below to access the Period Products Scheme to ensure that no student is held back from accessing education due to their period.  



Final Booking Reminder - HR Governors' Training for Maintained Schools (Repeated by Browne Jacobson LLP)    

Following on from the positive feedback from governors who attended this session in September, we will have scheduled another training date of this training session to enable other governors from the Board to attend. The training session is open to all governors at maintained schools in Hillingdon - schools are welcome to book multiple places for governors to attend this training. As 49/50 schools attended the first session this is no longer mandatory.    

The session will cover roles and responsibilities, pay awards and more. Please book using the link below:     

Session Details:     

Date: Thursday 9th December 2021    

Time: 17:00-19:00     

Virtual link to be provided (MS Teams)     

Cost: Free    

This session is not designed for Academy schools    

Please book you place by completing this booking form by 12 pm Thursday 2nd December.  


Team Teach Level 1 Course - Primary 

Monday 24th January 2022   

09:00 - 15:45  

St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School, 160 Long Lane, Uxbridge UB10 0EH  

£85 per person   

Aimed at low risk service settings: Mainstream Secondary, Primary Schools, Nurseries, Children's Hospitals, Elderly Care etc. Typically staff supporting individuals without any documented challenging behaviours that pose a physical risk to self or others.  

This course covers: personal safety, team building, non-verbal and verbal de-escalation communication strategies, some positive handling techniques - if required, together with documentation and legal guidance, listening and learning, recording, reporting and reviewing.  

Settings must send at least two members of staff PLUS a senior member of staff (SENCO/SLT) unless a member of SLT has a current Team Teach certificate.    


Team Teach Level 2 Course (2 day) - Primary  

Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th January 2022  

09:00 - 15:35  

St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School, 160 Long Lane, Uxbridge UB10 0EH  

£170 per person  

Aimed at medium risk individual challenging behaviours and service settings: special schools, PRU's, children's homes, elderly care services, etc. Typically staff supporting individuals with documented challenging behaviours / special needs that foresee-ably poses a physical risk to self or others.  

This course covers: personal safety, team building, nonverbal and verbal de-escalation communication strategies, positive handling techniques, together with documentation and legal guidance, listening and learning, recording, reporting and reviewing.  

Settings must send at least two members of staff PLUS a senior member of staff (SENCO/SLT) unless a member of SLT has a current Team Teach certificate.    

For further information please see: www.Changing-behaviour.co.uk  

To book your place please contact Clare Edmondson at changingbehaviouruk@gmail.com  



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