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17th January 2022

Dear Colleagues,

To action:

Book onto a fully funded Mental Health First Aid Training course:

Book your place here: registration form


Ofsted Talk for Leaders - Early Years Reforms

1st February 4pm via Teams

Partnership Model proposal meeting  - add to calendars

24th February 2022 10am-12pm (N.B.change of date)

Sign up for fully funded mental health & wellbeing support

Complete this expression of interest form


Ongoing reminders:  

Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:  



Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE via this online form 

Not required until further notice


Partnership Launch - Change of Date

Following a meeting held by the Partnership working group, the decision has been made to postpone the Partnership launch event, due to the current position with COVID-19.

The group agreed that it is important to run the event in person, if possible, therefore we have rescheduled the date to 24th February at 10am-12pm at the Council Chamber in the Civic Centre.

The working group made the decision to set up an email box for the partnership model at this stage, which is hillingdonlearningpartnership@hillingdon.gov.uk. If you have any queries you would like to be addressed at the launch event, please email this address with the queries and we will ensure the group address them in the meeting.

We hope to see you all there to tell you more information about this exciting opportunity.


Vaccination Contacts

Second vaccinations are now being booked in for our schools for the 12-15 year old cohort. Schools will be contacted directly by the C19 Roving team to make arrangements for these clinics.

Please ensure that the contact details of the education inbox and Abi Preston are not shared with parents.  Abi's role is the school liaison for supporting school leaders and vaccination leads with the rollout of the programme. These details are not for sharing with parents and families. We ask that schools also do not forward emails sent to them from the council to parents as this will also enable them to access LEAP, which is specifically designed for school leaders only.

The vaccination lead in each school should be the main point of contact for families who have vaccination queries. For individual parent queries about the vaccinations (e.g. timing, allergies, doses etc), schools can share the following contact at the NHS who is happy to support individual parent queries:

Pat Stephens - 0203 317 5076 - patriciastephens@nhs.net

Please ensure your school website has the appropriate contact details updated/ included for parents to find.


Winter Readiness Pack for Headteachers

Please find attached the Winter Readiness Briefing Information for schools. This information has been updated with the latest UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) resources/ links for flu, norovirus, meningitis and Covid-19.

This briefing provides:

  • Key messages for head teachers on winter preparedness.
  • Two checklists on flu and norovirus readiness and when and how to report outbreaks.
  • Leaflets and further information on flu, norovirus and meningitis.

 Winter readiness information for London Schools and Nurseries 2022 [258KB]

The most up to date UK immunisation schedule has been included in the Winter Readiness Pack for information and further information can be accessed via https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/nhs-vaccinations-and-when-to-have-them/

You can access all of the key guidance relating to COVID-19 for educational settings on the following link: Guidance for schools: coronavirus (COVID-19) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


e-Bug  Teaching Resources for Schools

e-Bug Teaching resources are being rolled out to all schools in the coming weeks. These resources have been developed by the Primary Care and Interventions Unit within UKHSA to educate students aged 3-16 about infection prevention, control, and treatment.

The e-Bug resources are tailored to the curriculum for each key stage in primary and secondary school and are accredited by the Association for Science Education. The DfE have listed e-Bug materials in their guidance for education and childcare during coronavirus. The resources will also be available in accessible formats on our website at www.e-bug.eu later this week.

The materials will be delivered to all academies and maintained schools in the coming days. Please look out for these resources which will be with schools soon.


REMINDER - Fully Funded Mental Health & Wellbeing Support for Schools 

1.    Mental Health First Aid Training: fully funded and accredited

Training is being delivered over two full days by Gemini Training and is available on the following dates (course dates must be adhered to - candidates cannot attend Day 1 from one course then Day 2 of another. Training is likely to be delivered virtually:

Course 1

1st February 2022

8th February 2022

Few spaces remaining

Course 2

22nd February 2022

1st March 2022

Few spaces remaining

Course 3

23rd February 2022

2nd March 2022

Spaces available

Course 4

8th March 2022

15th March 2022

Spaces available

Course 5

9th March 2022

16th March 2022

Spaces available


Please book your place using the following registration form. 


2.   Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead Support for Schools: fully funded 

In order for schools to book in their entitlement to their day of support from the Wellbeing Advisor, please complete this expression of interest form to arrange this support. Lildonia will then be in touch with schools directly to confirm dates. Schools can use this support in part days (e.g. 2 hour training session for staff, half day support for SLT etc).

Any enquiries about the offer or to contact Lildonia directly for support or queries, please email EducationalWellbeing@hillingdon.gov.uk.

School allocation reminder:


Mental Health First Aider Training (2 days training)

Wellbeing Advisor Support Entitlement

Maintained schools

One space per school to attend the accredited Mental Health First Aid training free of charge.

One full day of personalised support

Academy Trusts (MATs, SATs):

One fully funded place will be available for each Academy Trust. For MATs with both primary & secondary provision, one space will be provided to a member of staff from both a primary and secondary setting.

One full day of personalised support per Academy Trust. For MATs with both primary & secondary provision, one day will be provided to a primary and secondary lead from the Trust.



Free Trauma Webinar (26 - 28 January 2022) with Dr Karen Treisman MBE 

Hillingdon Virtual School is delighted to be welcoming back Dr Karen Treisman to deliver a three-day live webinar on Trauma.  The three days will focus on trauma, behaviour as communication, the Parenting Patchwork, brain development, triggers, emotional rejection & the power of language. 

It is essential that you can attend all three sessions as they are designed to work in alongside each other. This is an extension of our training programme for Designated Teachers. 

WHENWednesday 26th, Thursday 27th and Friday 28th January  

This webinar is particularly well suitable for all professionals working with vulnerable children.  If you wish to attend, please book your place here no later than Friday 21st January 

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Designated Teachers and Designated Safeguarding Leads have already been given a priority booking opportunity for this session. 


The London and Home Counties Computing Hub

Attached is the London and Home Counties Computing Hub January Newsletter for you to share with teachers who may find this resource useful. 

 Computing Hub Newsletter Jan22 [1MB]


Free Training Sessions from FFT for Primary and Secondary Schools

FFT will be providing 2 free online training sessions open to all schools who wish to learn more to help get the most out of the FFT system. The first session for Primary Schools will take place on 8th February 2022.  The second session for Secondary schools will take place on 22nd February 2002.  There is no limit to how many staff can log in for the training session - at Head Teachers discretion. The sessions will be led by Stephen Turp - Principal Advisor at FFT. 

Please see attached details for both the Primary and Secondary sessions. They also contain links for joining the sessions.  Please notify SBuckingham@hillingdon.gov.uk if you would like any of your staff to attend. 

 Hillingdon Spring term FFT PRIMARY Session [112KB]

 Hillingdon Spring term FFT SECONDARY session [111KB]


Free Governor Briefing Sessions 2021/22 

Please be reminded that you are invited to book onto the LA governor briefing sessions. There are a variety of sessions for key service areas and will allow you to gain a better understanding of the processes and responsibility of schools.  

To book your place onto any of these sessions please click here or to see the brochure with details of the briefings here [305KB]


Kind regards,

Abi Preston, Head of Education & Learning


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