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25th April 2022


Dear Colleagues,   

Ongoing reminders:   

Submit the Educational Setting Status form via the following link:   




DfE Advice for Providing School Places for Children Arriving From Ukraine  

The local authority has received guidance from Chris Foster, Head of Selective Schools and Pupils from Overseas Unit at the DfE on providing school places for children arriving from Ukraine:

General position on rights of Ukrainian children to a school place and where to find guidance

All children living in the UK have a right to access a school in England, irrespective of their nationality. This is made clear on this website: 


It says: 'School admission authorities must not refuse to admit a child on the basis of their nationality or immigration status nor remove them from roll on this basis.'  

The School Admissions Code applies to their (refugees from Ukraine) admission to school in exactly the same way as it does to all other children. Local authorities have a duty under section 86(1A) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to support local parents in choosing schools. We therefore look to LAs to support refugees with:  

  • info on where schools have vacancies; 
  • how to apply; and  
  • to promulgate the advice in the Welcome Pack below to refugees.  

Schools' admission arrangements apply in the normal way. When parents apply for a school place, the School Admissions Code states that admission authorities should aim to notify parents of the outcome of an application for a school within 10 school days and that they must do so within 15 school days. Where there are no school places within a reasonable distance of the child's home, the LA should use its fair access protocol to place them within 20 school days.  

There is a Welcome Pack for refugees from the Ukraine and annex A to that pack provides advice for parents on navigating the English school admissions system. Please make refugee families aware of this advice and assist them in applying for a place. They have also developed Q&A's based on queries they've received about refugees from Ukraine. These are attached below. More general advice on school admissions can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/schools-admissions  

Q&A from the DfE (PDF) [167KB]


Register for the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Webinar

The EEF is working with the Department for Education to support schools to access evidence-informed programmes that have the potential to raise pupil attainment in maths and literacy. The EEF is running trials of educational programmes, offering subsidised access for secondary schools, colleges and post-16 providers to effective programmes, and fully-funded training from the Research School Network in the North, East Midlands and Humber, and West Midlands. 

A webinar for secondary schools, colleges and post-16 settings to learn more about the offer and what is involved in taking part will take place on Wednesday 27 April at 4pm. 

To register your interest in joining the webinar, please complete the sign-up form


Religious Education Reviewed Agreed Syllabus 2022  

The Standing Advisory Council of Religious Education (SACRE) has reviewed Hillingdon's RE Agreed Syllabus. Please click here to access the latest version (April 2022) and share with RE leads within your schools. Please remove the previous version from your records. 


Climate Action Plan for Schools  

Thank you to the schools that responded to our boroughwide Climate Action Plan consultation to shape our final plan www.hillingdon.gov.uk/climate-action. It is great to hear from schools that are already working on climate action and confirm the following key benefits for schools to be engaged in this area:   

  • Curriculum development in Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE), Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC), British Values, Citizenship, Geography and Science. 
  • Links through Ofsted's inspection framework. 
  • Overall financial reduction in running costs.   
  • Being part of a world change.   

The next step is for schools to create / formalise their own Climate Action Plan with their pupils and share this with the Council to contribute to our boroughwide plan. The Council requires maintained schools to focus on this area over the year with an aim of completion by April 2023. Academy schools are recommended to submit their plans to the Council. 

You will find our Climate Action Plan short template, along with a variety of resources here - Climate Action for Schools - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk).   

Once completed, your Climate Action Plan should be submitted to: education@hillingdon.gov.uk before Friday 28th April 2023. Plans will be reviewed and themes identified to help shape our funding offer for 2023/24. 

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support: education@hillingdon.gov.uk


Post 16 Prospectus - Interactive Submissions Form Reminder for 29th April 2022 

Schools and Colleges have a deadline of this week to submit the page content, media, and course listings.

This is a reminder for all those involved to ensure that the Post 16 interactive submission form is sent to Andrew Keen at akeen@wlcreative.org.uk by the 29th April 2022 by email or wetransfer.  

Attached below is the Post 16 interactive submission form as well as the Post 16 media content guidelines for your awareness. If there are any queries about the Post 16 Prospectus or you are having difficulty with getting this submitted on time, please contact Dale Hughes at post16prospectus@hillingdon.gov.uk or if there are any questions about the required content and design please contact Andrew at akeen@wlcreative.org.uk

Post16 Prospectus Interactive Submission Form (PDF) [999KB]

1 Post16 Prospectus Media_Content Guidelines (PDF) [2MB]


Seasonal Vacancies to Share with Parents/Students 

An exciting opportunity to work as part of the Hillingdon Team!  Please see links below: 

Hillingdon LBC FO 

Hillingdon LBC FO 


Humanities KS1 & KS2 Fieldwork and Local Studies Day - History & Geography  

The History fieldwork day will be taking place on:  

Date: 19/05/22   

Time: 09:00 - 12:00   

Venue: Harmondsworth Primary School and The Great Barn, Harmondsworth  

Trainer: Kate Moorse  

Click here for more details and to book your place:  

Course: Humanities KS1 and 2 Fieldwork and local studies: History (learningpool.com)   

The Geography fieldwork day will be taking place on:  

Date: 19/05/22   

Time: 13:00- 16:00   

Venue: Harmondsworth Primary School   

Trainer:  Kate Moorse  

Click here for more details and to book your place:  

Humanities KS1 and KS2 Fieldwork and Local Studies day - Geography: Humanities KS1 and KS2 Fieldwork and Local Studies day - Geography (learningpool.com)   

Both courses are free to schools purchasing the Learning & Development SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others, there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.   Any queries please email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk 



Abi Preston

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