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16th September 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below to cascade to your colleagues who can respond on behalf of your team, school or setting.



All Schools can register for 24/25 Educational Visits Coordinator Training HERE

by 25/10/24

Hillingdon LEAP can be accessed for information and guidance for all settings


Notification of Critical Incident  & contacts can be found here


Education Services contacts can be found here


HLP Course Booking



 For Action All Schools:

SEND & AP Inspection Improvement Plan School Leaders' Session 12.09.2024

Thank you to schools for participating in our coproduction workshop last week to discuss school inclusion and capture actions for our inspection development areas. Please the presentation slides:  School Leaders' Session- Local Area SEND Improvement Plan 12.09.24 (PDF) [562KB]

We are collating your group activity outcomes to feed through the draft plan and look forward to sharing next steps with you all. If you would like to discuss this event or school engagement on inclusion further, please contact Caroline Ryder at CRyder@hillingdon.gov.uk.

Hillingdon's Designated Clinical Officer is Hilary Smith, contactable via  hilary.smith15@nhs.net.



The Local Authority commissions EVOLVE Advice to provide maintained schools with expert advice, guidance, training and support on all educational visits matters related to educational visits. It includes direct access to advisers, signposting to relevant guidance, support with planning visits and approval of all overseas, residential and adventurous visits.  

All Educational Visits Co-ordinators (EVCs) in maintained schools are required to undertake an approved EVC training course annually. Academies and independent schools are also recommended to undertake this training in line with current best practice.  Training is organised by the LA annually for all schools and details can be found here.

They also offer additional training courses suitable for school staff responsible for leading, planning or co-ordinating educational visits and other learning outside the classroom activities. Other training providers are available. Visit the OEAP website to find out more. 

The LA and EVOLVE Advice adopt the OEAP's 'National Guidance' (NG) as the definitive source of educational visits guidance. Access this guidance at www.oeapng.info. National Guidance and The Department for Education recommend that schools use providers who hold the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge as this shows that they meet nationally recognised standards. 

The council use The EVC Register as a way of confirming valid EVC training has been completed. EVCs who have been trained by an OEAP course director can be listed on the EVC Register. Those who complete training with EVOLVE are automatically listed. 


HLP's EAL Conference

This conference is open to all Hillingdon schools; HLP members and non-members.

Target Audience: Senior leaders / EAL Leaders, teachers of pupils who have English as an Additional Language.

Date: 25th September 2024

Time: 13:00 - 16:30

Venue: Oak Wood School Sutton Court Road Hillingdon UB10 9HT

Cost: Free for all Hillingdon schools

This conference will support delegates to:

  • Develop provision for EAL learners
  • Consider effective leadership of EAL
  • Learn about the latest developments in best practice
  • Provide (free of charge) each school with an EAL Handbook to support all aspects of practice. Usual price of handbook: £90.00

HLP members can book HERE.

Non HLP members can email michael.larkin@hillingdonlearningpartnership.org.uk, to book places.


Exclusions and Reintegration Team

The Exclusions and Reintegration team wants to continue building the relationship where we can support schools before permanent exclusions and suspensions take place. Here is some information regarding the team and the support we can offer. 

As we are working towards reducing the number of suspensions and exclusions, we would like to bring awareness to the support available to schools. LEAP has information to help support and guide you regarding suspensions and exclusions. You can access the exclusions LEAP page using the link Exclusions - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk) this includes letter templates, good practice examples, the Education Inclusion Toolkit and links to forms.   You can reach out to us regarding pupils that you are concerned about being on the road to permanent exclusion, any queries regarding suspensions and exclusions, asking about support for pupils. If we cannot help directly, we will signpost to other agencies. 

The Suspensions and Exclusions guidance states that the LA should be notified without delay. Use the links below to complete the forms that inform the LA of the suspension or permanent exclusion.    

Exclusions and Reintegration Team: Neil Kenny (Lead Officer) & Kathryn Franklin (Support Officer)  

Phone numbers: (Monday-Friday 9-5pm)  

Neil - 07902709166  

Kathryn - 01895 556177 

Email: exclusionsupport@hillingdon.gov.uk - monitored Monday to Friday 9-5pm

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are here to support. 


AXIS Newsletter

Axis Monthly Bulletin August 2024 (PDF) [1MB]


The National College CPD Package & The School Bus - Discounted Subscription for Early Years and Schools

The National College are offering all Hillingdon schools discounted membership. Details and discount code can be found on LEAP here: The National College.

A demonstration version is available for those interested via The National College.

Your school will gain on-demand access to: 

  • Over 2,000 webinars helping you drive up standards, delivered by world-leading experts
  • Over 200 courses to help support statutory and recommended training requirements
  • Over 280 online safety guides on the latest apps, games, devices and risks
  • Over 280 lesson plans designed to meet national curriculum requirements in online safety
  • Guaranteed 30+ webinars, courses and guides a month, keeping you updated with the latest policy, practice and research
  • Parents courses in online safety and cybersecurity via our App
  • The ability to evidence your parental engagement
  • Live government updates from the DfE and Ofsted, mapped directly to our professional development
  • On-demand training that can be accessed on any device for flexible learning when you want
  • Certified School accreditation for your whole school community

With Leadership & Governance, you'll benefit from:

  • Meet and evidence statutory policy and compliance requirements
  • Be the first to understand the latest changes in the sector
  • Follow simple step by step action plans to help manage change effectively
  • Guaranteed to have every time saving template you will ever need
  • Underpinned by trusted experts and world-renowned institutions

Compliance Resources:

  • Alert Manager: Never miss a crucial update again
  • Policy Manager: Approve, Distribute, track and monitor your policies across your organisation
  • Compliance Standard: Track your Compliance across 12 critical areas
  • Up to Speed Summaries: Get up to speed on education changes instantly
  • Your Questions Answered: View experts answers to frequently asked questions about important topics
  • Guidance: Learn from experts in all aspects of school leadership and compliance
  • Policies: Fast track compliance with original and compliant model policies
  • Templates: Access time saving tools to respond rapidly to the ever-changing requirements  
  • Risk Assessments: Reduce risk with easily personalised model risk assessments
  • Resource Packs: Explore expertly curated resources addressing important topics

Your leadership team will be able to:

  • Curate tailored watchlists to meet training requirements, development goals and target specific areas of improvement
  • Create bespoke training programmes using your own professional development to deliver personalised induction/INSET days or to share best practice
  • Log everything in one place to make evidencing professional development for the whole school simple and hassle-free
  • Set professional development goals as part of appraisals and monitor the impact of training that's been completed
  • Evidence compliance and focus on driving professional development in the areas they need to the most.

If a new school to The National College AND The School Bus signs up for a membership to The National College for the first year and commits to paying for the second year of Leadership & Governance (The School Bus), they will give you the first year of Leadership & Governance entirely free.

Please contact jamie.boulton@nationalcollege.com to sign up.


Apprenticeships & Early Career Programmes

Jeetin Shah has been appointed as the LA's new Early Careers Officer.  His role is to support with the delivery of apprenticeship and early career programmes, including, internships, work placements and graduate schemes. He will also be the point of contact for any Digital Service Account (DAS) related queries and support with levy transfers for where funds permit.

Please click here for more information on Apprenticeships: Our all-age apprenticeship programme - Hillingdon Council

If you have any queries or questions relating to apprentices within your school, please don't hesitate to contact: apprenticeships@hillingdon.gov.uk.


Learn Hillingdon Adult Community Education 

We are here to support you grow a talented workforce. We have lots of professional development qualification courses to support the development of your support staff including:- 

·       Understanding Autism Level 2 Certificate 

·       Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences Level 2 Certificate  

·       Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties Level 2 Certificate 

·       Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent Level 2 Certificate 

·       Understanding Domestic Abuse Level 2 Certificate 

·       Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health Level 2 Certificate  

Most of these qualification courses are delivered online (via google meet) in the evening, please contact tdonnelly@hillingdon.gov.uk for more information or check out:  Professional Learning and Development - Hillingdon Council 

There are still some places available on Level 2, 3 and 4 for Teaching Assistants and Early Years professionals.  

Remember to send a copy of any job adverts for support staff, so the team can share this directly with learners by contacting zwilson@hillingdon.gov.uk.


Healing Spaces Training

The International Rescue Committee's free Healing Spaces programme is a trauma-informed training for charities, community groups, councils, schools or any entity providing support to refugee and asylum-seeking children and young people (up to the age of 21).

The training explores the causes, consequences, and ways to support this population, as an individual or organisation, to cope with trauma and rebuild their lives in the UK. They can deliver the training online or in person and all participants will receive a handbook in the post before the training. The full training lasts approximately 4 hours and can be delivered in one session, over an afternoon or split across 2x2hour sessions. All training and resources are free of charge and are based on decades of experience and research carried out by the International Rescue Committee both here in the UK and globally. 

For more information, including testimonials and how to book, please visit - Healing Spaces UK


Free Digital Workshops & Events for Schools

STEM with Wings - 8th October Key Stage 2 / 10th October Key Stage 3 & 4: You thought it was tough to tidy your room? Imagine cleaning up space! Sign up now for this active digital event with challenges and an opportunity to meet two engineers developing and testing new ways to clean up space junk. Read more and book your place here https://www.big-ideas.org/stem-with-wings-cleaning-up-space/. Funded by RAF Youth STEM.

Stories behind the Poppy: D-Day80 - 11th November, Key Stage 2 & 3: Join a special remembrance event marking D-Day80 with schools in the UK and Canada. Discover stories of Canadian and British armed forces and find out what happened next in 1944. Read more and book your place here https://www.big-ideas.org/stories-behind-the-poppy-d-day-80/. Funded by the Maple Leaf Trust.

Flight for All - Careers Resources: Download free careers resources - including films going behind the scenes in UK airports with young people - and discover more about work opportunities there. With fun skills building challenges and team work exercises. Request your resources here. Funded by Department for Transport and Civil Aviation Authority.

Flight for All Workshops: Digital workshops are available for SEND sector schools, or schools which can demonstrate need. Request your workshop here. Funded by Department for Transport and Civil Aviation Authority.

Aspire to Engineer - AI and Me: Special AI events in the build up to Christmas with amazing speakers from the cutting edge of AI at MIT and Google DeepMind. Sign up  here. Funded by the Royal commission for 1851.

Please contact Dr Virginia Crompton, CEO Big Ideas www.big-ideas.org, at virginia.crompton@big-ideas.org if you have any queries.


The Hillingdon Christmas Card Competition is Back!

Unleash your school's creativity and have your pupils artwork featured on our corporate card. Residents of all ages can enter by submitting a festive image related to the borough. Email your entry to christmascardcomp@hillingdon.gov.uk by 5pm Friday 1st November.

For more details, visit www.hillingdon.gov.uk/christmas-card


Please share with parents / carers

Charity Fair (PDF) [234KB]


For Action Primary Schools:

Fully Funded Mindfulness Sessions for Primary School Staff

The Education Improvement & Partnerships team are offering fully funded school-based mindfulness sessions for all primary school staff led by Rosemarie Harris. Rosemarie is a trained mindfulness teacher with a background in primary education.

There is extensive evidence and research that mindfulness supports health and wellbeing, improves focus, reduces stress and improves resilience.

Rosemarie has already provided mindfulness sessions to staff in 3 Hillingdon primary schools. She is aware that all schools are different and is keen to work with you to provide mindfulness sessions that meet the needs of your setting and staff.  This could be:

  • 1:1 sessions
  • Small group sessions
  • Whole staff 'Introduction to Mindfulness' session

Please register your interest HERE by 1st October and Rosemarie will be in touch to plan a bespoke programme with you.



For Action Secondary Schools:

Post 16 Prospectus

The 2024/2025 Post 16 Prospectus is now live and bigger than ever.  This year's version includes more visuals- as requested by young people during focus groups in the Autumn of 2023.  There are a variety of ways in which this document was used last year - even in one case being used as a whole careers lesson!

The question is - how will you use this resource?

  • During assembly?
  • In small group PSHE lessons?
  • In larger group sessions?

 We would like you to showcase how you are using this resource and welcome photos of it in action - which we can publish in the headteachers Weekly Update bulletin.

We are on a mission to ensure that as many young people see this resource as possible so that they are aware of the amazing provision available within our school sixth forms, colleges, and local training providers.  As you may or may not be aware the Baker clause states that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to every student in years 8 to 13 to discuss non-academic routes. It also states that schools need to impartially promote the full range of technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.

Please ensure this link is shared with students and parents/carers: Hillingdon Post 16 Prospectus 2024/25 - Hillingdon Council

And this link can be shared with all school staff and governors: Post 16 Prospectus - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk)

Please contact Mike Pearson at MPearson@hillingdon.gov.uk if you have any questions or queries.


Brunel University PGCE Secondary Placements Request

It's that time of the year again when Brunel are trying to secure PGCE Secondary placements for the new cohort of students.  They are looking for Maths, Science and English. If you feel you can help, please get in touch directly with Sharon Grey at Sharon.Grey@brunel.ac.uk


Elevate Mentoring - FREE Offer

We have recently conducted a survey with over 400 young people in Hillingdon where questions were asked like; what concerns you for the future? What pathway are you looking to take for post 16? and is there anything your school doesn't offer that you would like to offer. 

We found that young people are generally concerned around financial management with the cost of living and the prospect of having a low paid job being particular themes. We also found many young people are concerned about upcoming exams - whether this be failing or just the mental lead up to these events. 

These themes are consistent with what young people are telling us in internal forums and at a recent 14-19 Steering Group meeting a young person voiced "I don't even know what a mortgage is and would like to know how tax works - these are real issues".

We want to listen to young people and have partnered with Elevate Mentoring who are offering their services for free. Young people can be upskilled in these key areas.  There is no limit to the age group and can be delivered from years 7 to 13 and even for specialist provisions where workshops can be done in person. 

 Please use the QR code on this poster to sign up:  Elevate Mentoring (PDF) [340KB]




Abi Preston

Director of Education & SEND

Children's Services, London Borough of Hillingdon, 4E/07, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW


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