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4th May 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly   Education Executive Summary [244KB]   round-up of schools' guidance update.



Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:


Daily for all settings

Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE weekly via the following link:

Data collection from schools for DfE (office.com)

Weekly for Early Years Settings

Hillingdon Music Hub youth consultation:



Matters the council are currently looking into. For these matters, we will be in touch when we know more:

Vaccinations for staff

Please see below. There are no further updates on this for staff in SRPs and who are 1:1s. We will inform schools if we hear any updates.



Public Notice - bringing together Lady Bankes Infant and Nursery School and Lady Bankes Junior School to form a single three-form primary school

Hillingdon Council and the Federated Governing Body of Lady Bankes Infant and Nursery School and Lady Bankes Junior School are proposing to join (amalgamate) the two schools together to form a single three-form entry school led by Mrs Kate Needs (the current Headteacher of Lady Bankes Junior School). Please use the following link to access the Public Notice and for further information on the proposal.

History and Geography webinars

The LBH Learning & Development Support Team will be running History and Geography webinars in May 2021. These courses are open to staff in primary schools.They will be led by their Humanities co-ordinator Kate Moorse.

History Webinar - 18 May 2021

Time:  13:00 - 15:00

Please click here to book.

Geography Webinar - 20 May 2021

Time:  13;00 - 15:00

Please click here to book.

For any queries, please contact Maddy at learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk 

Primary/Secondary Transition - transfer of electronic data

The Transition Group of Primary and Secondary school leaders met recently and made a number of recommendations to support Primary/Secondary transition this year. The most pressing aspect is the transfer of key pupil information and the key information is summarised below:

  • Transfer of Electronic Data- Primaries to complete the same SIMs data transfer document as previous years. The spreadsheets are sent securely through the S2S site.
  • As last year Primaries should add an extra 4 columns to the spreadsheets once they have been created from the SIMs report. The columns need to be headed Reading, Writing, SPAG and Maths. Please enter what teachers are anticipating each child's expected attainment would be at the end of the school year. The agreed wording to be used is, BELOW, WORKING TOWARDS, EXPECTED and HIGHER. Please can we all ensure we use exactly the same wording.
  • Deadline for the SIMs transition documents to be sent is Monday 17th May so that secondaries have the information they need before they start phone calls/visits to primaries

Attached you will find all the relevant information, the SIMS report and step by step instructions you need to complete the spreadsheets.  This is exactly the same format that we used last academic year and so hopefully for many of you this will look at least a little familiar.

 Instructions for running the report in SIMs [888KB]

 Instructions for transfering the files through S2S and Notifying the Secondary Schools [747KB]

 SIMS access only_ Primary Transfer Data (Fil Yr Group) [4KB]

I appreciate that as always this is an incredibly busy time of year for schools but I know just how much the children will benefit if we can all work together to support the transition process. Further information regarding paper file transfer day and the July pupil transition day will follow shortly once discussed and confirmed at Primary Forum.

If you have any questions or issues when you come to carry out the transfer of information, please feel free to contact me direct and I will do all I can to help you or your admin team. My email is sevans@theparkfederation.org (Sarah Evans - Principle at Cranford Park Academy)

Support for Schools with Developing Mental Health Support and Transition Workshops for Year 6 - Managing Anxiety & Change

Please see the attached brochures for services available from Nurture My Potential. Support is available to schools to build a sustainable systemic approach to mental health and wellbeing, along with various other programmes, such as:

Please see   brochure [13MB] for more details.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) reforms

The recording for the recent training on The EYFS reforms is now available on LEAP

Early Years Foundation Stage Preparation for September 2021 - Briefing Sessions - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk)

The slides, including the links to contact details and supporting documents, are  here [8MB] for you to use with wider team members.

The PSED document that is referenced can be downloaded from this link

Wellbeing Training for PVI Settings - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk)

Can primary children help find names for our 5 new food waste trucks?

In Hillingdon we have five new trucks to collect your food waste every week - but they each need a name! Can you help us?

Food waste is collected every week to be recycled into energy. Food is powerful stuff and once recycled it can generate electricity to light our homes and streetlights and fuel to power vehicles! Your recycled food waste can also help farmers to grow more food by becoming fertiliser.

We're asking all primary school children in Hillingdon to help us to name our new food waste vehicles by taking part in this competition. The winning five names will be printed onto the vehicles and the winners will get to meet their named truck in person!

Shortlisted entries will be judged by the Mayor of Hillingdon, the Cabinet Member for Environment and the Waste Services team.

It's really simple and here's what pupils need to do:

The closing date for entries is 31 May 2021.

Terms and conditions:

  • The competition is open to primary school children of the ages 5 to 11 years old, attending a Hillingdon Primary School.
  • One submission per pupil
  • Any offensive or inappropriate entries will automatically be rejected

Latest edition of theBusiness Performance Newsletter

Please find the latest edition of the quarterly  Business Performance Newsletter [57KB] . This will shortly be circulated to all staff in schools who are part of the Admin Network.

Place2Be- Free mental health training for school staff in London

Children's mental health charity Place2Be is offering its Mental Health Champions - Foundation programme for free to all school-based staff in London. This online training course enhances teaching professionals' understanding of children's mental health and introduces approaches that promote positive wellbeing in schools and communities.

The course is fully flexible and can be completed from any device, at a time to suit you. Content can be broken down into 15-minute sections. Please share with any school staff you know so they can join the 45,000 who have already started our online mental health training. Places are limited.

Find out more and sign up at place2be.org.uk/foundation.

Kind regards,


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