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19th July 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly Education Executive Summary round-up of schools' guidance update.



ALL SECONDARIES: Your Life, You Choose - All Secondary Schools -Please book your top three dates using this form

23rd July

Complete the registration form to reserve your space at the Stronger Together Education Conference on 15th September 2021

23rd July

Submit primary data - EYFSP, Phonics and Key Stage 1 & 2 predicted outcomes

Secondary data

17th July


16th August

Youth Survey

Extended to 31st July

Ongoing reminders:

Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:


Daily for all settings

(paused on 16th July until Autumn term)

Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE weekly via the following link:

Data collection from schools for DfE (office.com)

Fortnightly for Early Years Settings


Strategy on Gang Prevention

As a London Borough, we are acutely aware of the risk of children in the borough becoming involved in exploitation through gangs. As a result, we have formulated a new plan to ensure we are doing everything we can to eliminate the risk as much as possible.

We have two new strategies for this that we are planning for September:

Your Life, You Choose

Every secondary school will be provided with a day's workshop called Your Life, You Choose aimed at Y7. The programme is run by the police. Some schools have previously taken part in this initiative but we have agreed with the police for it to be delivered to all of our secondary schools over 2021-22. This will take place on Wednesdays. Please select the three dates your school can accommodate for this programme.

Book your top three dates (Wednesdays) using the online form by 23rd July.

We will also be starting a new programme for primary schools, which involved an online programme for Year 5/6 children. This supports children

DSL Training

The Council are keen to provide further training for all DSLs across the Borough to learn more about contextual safeguarding, exploitation and early identification of children joining gangs. This is a key topic for London Boroughs and it is essential all of our staff are aware of these topics. As a result, we are introducing new compulsory training for all DSLs moving forward.

In Autumn term, we plan to introduce training sessions for all existing DSLs to join. From Spring term onwards, we will provide termly training for any new DSLs or other staff who wish to attend.

There will also be further mention of these key topics in our training for all staff (Level 1 training) as well as the governor safeguarding training.  More information will follow in September.

Education Summer Conference: HILLINGDON - STRONGER TOGETHER - 15th September 2021

Our conference has been rescheduled to Wednesday 15th September, from 09.00-16.10 at Oak Wood School. Please sign up to attend using this registration form to secure one place per school, for the Head Teacher or representative. It is necessary to restrict attendees due to Covid social distancing requirements. Please register* by Friday 23rd July 2021 and view our conference agenda here - Events - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk).

*Any bookings made for the 12th July date have been carried over so if you have already booked your place there is no need to re-book.

Funding to Help Pupils' Core Skills

School Standards Minister, Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, has announced £10 million funding for pupils in participating schools to benefit from more support in maths and English.

Programmes will be targeted at pupils starting primary and secondary school, who will take part in focused English and maths catch-up sessions. The scheme will begin from the 2021 autumn term.

DfE has also launched an information site for parents to support children to catch up on lost learning and features advice and support for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as well as programmes for the summer.

Announcement: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/10-million-scheme-to-help-pupils-boost-core-skills

Information site: https://educationcatchup.campaign.gov.uk/


On Friday 9th July, the Government announced a package of support to boost numeracy and literacy skills and help pupils catch-up in these core subjects. Specialist training and materials will be provided to support focused sessions targeted at schools with high proportions of children from disadvantaged backgrounds and those most impacted by the disruption to education.

The funding for English will be focused on systematic synthetic phonics, a highly effective method for teaching early reading and an important component in the development of early reading skills, particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. A number of English Hubs working across the country will allocate funding to eligible primary schools in selected Local Authority Districts and support them to purchase training and resources for one of the phonics programmes on the DfE's validated list, all of which have been quality assured by an expert panel. The offer will be rolled out from Autumn term 2021.

To register your interest for this support, please complete this form with all relevant details and a member of the English Hub team at New Wave will be in touch with further information as soon as it is released from the DfE.

New Wave English Hub | Hackney, London

Please complete this Expression of Interest in Accelerator Funding for Phonics.


The Mastering Number project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

Lead participants from Work Group schools will be three teachers, one each from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, with some support given to subject leaders and headteachers.

This programme is open to all state-funded primary schools in England. If oversubscribed, priority for places will be given to schools with a high proportion of disadvantaged children.

You can find out more using the following link: Mastering Number | NCETM

Schools can apply using this  application form [640KB] . Early application is recommended to avoid disappointment.

Partnership Review Feedback

Thank you to all of the school leaders who recently completed the Partnership Review survey, led by ISOS. ISOS have now collated the results and created a summary to share with leaders to summarise where the review is and our next steps.

You can read the summary  here [385KB] .

Further discussions around the model will be shared at the Education conference - Hillingdon: Stronger Together

DfE Message - Teacher CPD - Early Career Framework

Many induction tutors/coordinators are yet to sign in to the DfE's new Teacher CPD Service to confirm how they plan to deliver statutory inductions next year, or to confirm that their school does not expect any early career teachers (ECTs).

Before September 2021, induction tutors/coordinators should:

  • read the updated statutory guidance on inductions for early career teachers
  • choose a delivery approach in order to meet the new requirements. The easiest way to sign up to a provider-led programme is to contact your local teaching school hub or your appropriate body - schools can also contact lead providers, or other known delivery partners, directly - they will talk you through how to access this support for your early career teachers and mentors
  • set up their programme through DfE's online service if they want to use an approved funded provider, or deliver the accredited materials themselves.  We would encourage schools on these routes to access the digital service and nominate an induction tutor before the end of the summer term, or use the service to confirm that you are not expecting any ECTs to start in September

To find out more about the Early Career Framework reforms, please visit GOV.UK.

For help using the new service please contact continuing-professional-development@digital.education.gov.uk

2021 Key Stage 4 & 5 Assessments

Could you please arrange for the attached Key Stage 4 & 5 documents to be returned to Steve Buckingham and Sree Reddy on the respective results day. These results are used to calculate early indications of the average performance of Hillingdon learners and are not published or used to assess the performance of individual schools.  Early results data may be used to inform Members, senior officers and DfE partners of provisional overall secondary patterns of attainment and progress across the borough and to respond to press enquiries. Details of individual school performance are not shared or publicised. 

In addition to this you will still be able to return the NCER Key Stage 4 spreadsheet which will allow the Business Performance Team to send you the NOVA performance reports. The spreadsheet was attached to the School Leader briefing on the 28th June 2021.

  1.  KS4 Early Test Results Proforma 2021 [39KB]
  2.  KS5 Early Test Results Proforma 2021 [33KB]

Battle of Britain School Sessions

The Battle of Britain Bunker and Visitor Centre are excited to announce that onsite school sessions will resume from September.

Students can discover what it was like to work in the Bunker by handling and learning from objects that were used in the Operations Room. Students are taught about life in the bunker, and the different roles men and women would have had at the time. Working together in groups, students will select an object to focus on, and create a poster about it to bring back to school. 

We will still have our virtual offer which uses multimedia resources to allow students to explore the history and significance of the Battle of Britain Bunker through four vital themes: Security, Tracking, Decision Making, and Intelligence Collecting. Students will gain a deeper understanding of how the battle was fought and discover the important role that the Bunker played during this time.

To support the Bunker, we have made some changes to our pricing. Onsite and Virtual school sessions will cost £50.00 per session. SEND school sessions will be free.

For further information or to make a booking please contact bunker@hillingdon.gov.uk

School Admin Business Performance Newsletter July 2021

Please find attached for your information a copy of the latest Business Performance Team's "Staying in touch"  newsletter [66KB] .  This will be distributed to all members of the School Admin Network in the next couple of days.

Release of the Primary Predicted Outcome reports on Perspective Lite

Heads of schools which submitted their NCER Predicted Outcomes Spreadsheet before the end of 17th July (covers EYFSP, Phonics and Key Stages 1 & 2) are advised to check their Perspective Lite accounts in the week commencing 19th July. We intend to release the interim NOVA reports via this method, these will also cover a comparison with those schools nationally that have submitted their results.  Heads who encounter difficulties opening their reports should email Steve Buckingham and Sree Reddy (email addresses attached).

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