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1st November 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly  round-up of schools' guidance update.



SECONDARY SCHOOLS: Contact Abi Preston with your confirmed vaccination consents no later than 24 hours before the day of your visit: apreston@hillingdon.gov.uk

No later than 24 hours before your visit

Sign up for Mandatory Exploitation Awareness training for Hillingdon DSLs 


Ongoing reminders:  

Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:  



Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE via this online form 

1 x November TBC

1x December TBC


Public Health - Documents To Be Aware Of

The Education and Childcare Settings Contingency Framework was updated on 13th October 2021.  Please use this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-local-restrictions-in-education-and-childcare-settings/contingency-framework-education-and-childcare-settings

The Schools COVID-19 Operational Guidance is very useful and was updated on the 27th September 2021. Please use this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/actions-for-schools-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak/schools-covid-19-operational-guidance

Green/ Amber Covid Measures

Further to the recent SSPB meeting, Public Health were asked to share the measures that are put in place once schools meet the threshold of infection and have been risk-assessed by the LCRC. This is shared for information only at this stage.

Blank Green & Amber v1 (Word doc, 31 KB)

New Primary Assessment and Reporting Arrangements for Key Stages 1 & 2 (please share with assessment leads)

The recently published ARAs were shared in last week's Assessment and Moderation briefing (reattached below). The Business Performance Team will be sending out further data related information to Headteachers in the Spring Term. 

This is also a reminder that your Autumn Year 2 Phonics Screening checks need to be uploaded on S2S by the end of the Autumn Term. 

Primary Assessment and Moderation Briefing 1 Oct 21 (PDF, 209 KB)

2022_KS1_assessment_and_reporting_arrangements (PDF, 371 KB)

2022_KS2_assessment_and_reporting_arrangements (PDF, 379 KB)

RE Support For Schools

Invitation to focus group exploring attitudes to Religion and Worldviews approach to RE in schools

For MAT leads, headteachers, SLTs and governors

You are warmly invited by the Faith and Belief Forum to join a focus group exploring attitudes to the Religion and Worldviews approach to RE in schools. This focus group is part of research into 'Stakeholders' attitudes towards Religion and Worldviews' carried out by the Open University and Inform at Kings College London and is funded by Culham St Gabriel's Trust. The focus group is for multi-academy trust leads, headteachers, SLTs and school governors. The focus group will be held on 17th November on Zoom from 4.30pm until 6pm. If you would like to join the focus group or would like to ask further questions, please contact anna.lockley-scott@faithbeliefforum.org or amy.ark@faithbeliefforum.org for the meeting link. Please see the attachment below for more information.

Call for participants SLTs academics and policy makers (PDF, 139 KB)

Parental  RE survey (please share via newsletters)

The invitation is open to all parents of children with school aged children. They do not need to have any prior knowledge of the subject, but they will be critical in helping to understand the experiences and views that parents have, and in determining how the Faith and Belief Forum can develop parental engagement and understanding of the importance of religion and worldviews in their child's learning and development journey.  

Invitation to complete online survey:  Are you a parent of school age children? We'd like to hear your views and your children's experiences of RE. This questionnaire from the Faith and Belief Forum is part of research into 'Stakeholders' attitudes towards Religion and Worldviews' carried out by the Open University and Inform at Kings College London and is funded by Culham St Gabriel's Trust. We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes of your time to respond to the questionnaire, found by clicking here:  Parental views of RE and Religion and Worldviews.

Invitation to attend virtual parent focus group:  Are you a parent of a child between 5-15 who takes an interest in what your child learns in RE? This focus group with the Faith and Belief Forum in partnership with Culham St Gabriel Trust, the Open University and Inform, asks about your experience of your child's learning of RE.  Firstly, how have you found their experience, what are your thoughts and ideas on RE as it is currently? Secondly, what do you think of the introduction of the Religion and Worldviews proposal? Find out more and give your views by attending a virtual focus group on 10th November 2021, 4.30pm-6pm. If you would like to join the focus group or ask a question, please email anna.lockley-scott@faithbeliefforum.org or amy.ark@faithbeliefforum.org.

Education and Learning Offer & Access to free online resources and CPD for schools

Resources: Schools: Skills for Dialogue KS3 lesson plans - The Faith & Belief Forum (faithbeliefforum.org)

School Linking Programme - offer teachers 2 FREE CPD days, training to run 3 link days across the academic year with a school from another area / faith / belief / culture - Application to Linking

Encountering Faiths & Beliefs workshops - Booking Form for F&BF Workshops

Consultation on Community Schools Admissions Arrangements 2023-24 

Hillingdon Council has begun consultation on changes to admission arrangements for community schools which will take effect from 2023/24. The consultation document is available to view at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/consultation 

The consultation will be running for 8 weeks from Monday 25 October 2021 until Monday 20 December 2021 (Midday).  We would invite any responses to be made using the questionnaire available on the website www.hillingdon.gov.uk/consultation . Alternatively, you can email your response to: admissions@hillingdon.gov.uk or write to the School Placement and Admissions Team, Civic Centre, 4E/09, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.   

Summary of Changes: 

Reduction to the Published Admission Number and distance priority radius for: 

  • Field End Infants from 120 to 90, reducing the distance priority radius from 1250m to 1000m. 
  • Harefield Infant School from 90 to 60, reducing the distance priority radius from 1000m to 750m. 
  • Harefield Junior School from 90 to 60, reducing the distance priority radius from 1000m to 750m. 
  • Harlyn Primary School from 90 to 60, reducing the distance priority radius from 1000m to 750m. 

Proposal to amend the point of measurement for school applications for: 

  • Whitehall Infant & Nursery School 
  • Yeading Infant & Nursey School 
  • Yeading Junior School  

The changes are proposed to ensure accuracy of their school building usage for admission measurement purposes. These changes may affect parents who have children attending your setting, who will be applying for a primary school place in the future. Where possible please can parents be advised about the consultation in any newsletters or upcoming communication.  All community primary schools have been contacted separately with information to be published on their school website.

In Year Admissions Protocol 2021

This protocol refers to all applications made during the academic year to age groups other than the normal years of entry, i.e., not at primary Reception or secondary Year 7 allocation or transfer into year 3 (junior schools) and year 10 (Studio Schools University Technical Colleges (UTC's).  

As the Admissions Authority for all community schools, the local authority (LA) will continue to co-ordinate in-year applications for these schools only (i.e., receive applications and make offers). Own Admission Authorities need to continue to have their own arrangements for processing applications directly, however the local authority will also need to be notified and have oversight of the outcome of all in-year applications made to Hillingdon schools. The local authority retains overall responsibility for ensuring the provision of education for all children in the area. Ongoing communication with all schools is required to ensure we continue to discharge our statutory duty. This document outlines LB Hillingdon's process for the local co-ordination of in-year admission arrangements from 1 September 2021

This document refers to 'Non-Community Schools' which relates to Academies, Foundation Schools, Voluntary Aided Schools, Free Schools, University Technical Colleges and Studio Schools for whom the Local Authority is not the admissions authority.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 01895 558670 or admissions@hillingdon.gov.uk


Year 13, Another Choice to Consider - The School Leaver Programme (please share with students)

Going to university or starting an apprenticeship is a popular choice for students after completing Year 13. Another option to consider is the School Leaver Programme. This scheme is where large successful companies select students to join them purely on their academic success. The young person is then trained all the way to degree level and/or professional accreditation. 

No experience is required, just very good A Level grades, and an ability to adapt and work hard to learn and retain new skills. It is said that the school leaver programmes are a great way to fast-track your career after leaving school. These programs are extremely popular; however, do not discount yourself. Work hard and aim high with your studies and ensure to apply to one or more of the recruiting firms.

This link will remind you of the many choices you have after completing Year 13 (along with Year 11 options).

Urgent Mental Health Support Crisis Lines (please share with pupils and families within your school newsletters)

Children, young people and their families can get free help, advice and urgent mental health support from 24/7 crisis telephone lines available in every London borough - please see attached [263KB] .

Every NHS mental health trust in London has put these in place, so children, young people and their families can get help quickly when they need it. Professionals are also able to access these crisis lines if they are concerned about or would like advice about a child, young person or family. The crisis lines are supported by trained mental health practitioners, who can offer advice and signpost other sources of support as needed.

Presley the Pug Training - Children Who Struggle With Confidence

I am delighted to be able to invite you to a live webinar with Dr Karen Treisman. The webinar will run for a full day and will be focused on Dr Treisman's book Presley the Pug, which centres on children who struggle with confidence. For those who have attended training with Dr Treisman previously, please note there is likely to be some overlap in content.

WHEN: Friday 12th November 2021

TIME: 9.30am - 4pm

VIA: Zoom

Please do not share this invitation; this is intended for your use only. If you would like to invite any colleagues, please email us to enquire further as our spaces are limited.

Dr Karen Treisman is a Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist who has worked in the National Health System and children's services for several years, including working with CLA in Kensington and Chelsea. Karen has extensive experience in the areas of trauma, parenting, adversity (ACE's) and attachment, and works clinically using a range of therapeutic approaches with families, systems, and children in or on the edge of care, unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people, and adopted children.

You can learn more about Karen and her work at: http://www.safehandsthinkingminds.co.uk

If you wish to attend, please complete the form using the link below no later than Friday 5th November 2021.

Book your place here.

Once you have completed the form, you will be contacted to confirm your place.

Full Zoom details and any additional materials will then be sent to you closer to the time. 

If you have any queries, please contact me by email: kangelini@hillingdon.gov.uk

Support for Illnesses for Children, Young People and Their Families (please share with families )

Children, young people and families are currently feeling very anxious during these unprecedented times. We hope these resources will help parents identify when an illness is minor, and when it is serious. Please see links below and share with parents through text messaging and local social media. 

Advice_for_parents-carers_during_coronavirus (PDF, 792 KB)

Is_it_serious_May_20211 (PDF, 124 KB)

How_to_help_your_unwell_child_May_2021 (PDF, 669 KB)

HHE_How_to_access_local_emergency_services_during_coronavirus_220721 Hillingdon Hounslow Ealing (PDF, 243 KB)

Support for primary care professionals managing unwell children during Covid-19

The NHS in North West London have produced information for GPs and primary care professionals to support their management of unwell children. This Advice and Guidance directory provides information on local paediatrician advice lines that are designed to enable clinical discussion between all primary care professionals and a local on-call Paediatrician. These advice lines will enable quality out-of-hospital care through sharing of specialist knowledge where clinically safe children can be cared for within the community. Click here to view the directory

Primary care professionals have raised questions about unwell children and these have been compiled into a quick reference guide - please see this document   NWL_GP_Fever_in_Children_FAQs_02_August_2021 [286KB]

The previously published Red, amber, green guidance on community-based management of illness in children can help primary care professionals quickly assess unwell children. It includes recommendations for virtual and face to face assessment.

In addition, the NHS has produced the above range of leaflets and guidance for parents, carers and people who work with children and young people on Covid-19 and how to access local emergency services at this time.  GP and health professionals should use them in their clinical discussions with parents and carers, children and young people and share them through neighbourhood WhatsApp groups and other social media.

Educational Visits 

This year's Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) training is being offered to Hillingdon schools by Evolve Advice Ltd.  

Date: Tuesday 16th November 2021  

Time: 9.30 am- 12.30 pm  

Part 1 - e-learning   

This is the self guided e-learning part of the course. This must be completed ahead of part two, access will be granted for this element 5 days before part 2.  

Part 2 - Live Zoom (3 hours)   

This is the face to face element of the course. The zoom room will open 20 minutes before the start time to allow you time to join and check your connection before starting. 

If you have not completed the e-learning by this time you will not receive the invite to part 2. 

Cost:  ·       Maintained Schools - £85.00 per person   

             ·     Academy / Independent Schools - £135 per person 

This course is aimed at new and existing EVCs outlines key considerations in planning an educational visit, updating participants with current good practice in the supervision of young people. It will also provide training in strategies used for risk management and risk assessment off-site.   

To register for this training, please use this  link

Armistice Day 2020  

Remembrance maroons will be launched from 11 sites across the borough on 11th November 2021 at 11:00 and 11:02 to mark the start and finish of the two-minute silence.  The maroons do make a bang which can be very loud if the site happens to be close to your school so you may wish to let your students know to expect it.  

Head Teachers Termly   

This session for all Headteachers is taking place virtually on Thursday 11th November 2021 from 2pm to 4pm.  Please click  here [127KB]  for agenda and link to join the meeting. 

HR Governors' Training for Maintained Schools (Repeated by Browne Jacobson LLP)  

Following on from the positive feedback from governors who attended this session in September, we will have scheduled another training date of this training session to enable other governors from the Board to attend. The training session is open to all governors at maintained schools in Hillingdon - schools are welcome to book multiple places for governors to attend this training. As 49/50 schools attended the first session this is no longer mandatory.  

The session will cover roles and responsibilities, pay awards and more. Please book using the link below:   

Session Details:   

Date: Thursday 9th December 2021  

Time: 17:00-19:00   

Virtual link to be provided (MS Teams)   

Cost: Free  

This session is not designed for Academy schools  

Please book you place by completing this booking form by 18th November 2021.

Feedback from the last training session:  

It provides an excellent platform to ensure that Governors AND Headteachers remain up to date with best practice and processes and there were a number of things that I wasn't even aware of; hence the PowerPoint presentation is warmly appreciated for ongoing future reference.    

Getting processes right in the first instance is crucial and this is an excellent starting point for my role as a Foundation Governor.  

The training session was an excellent introduction to Governorship.  

As a first time attendee, I found the whole content useful and interesting .

Good session, engaging, and lots of useful information and tips to ensure HT reviews and performance mgmt are done correctly.  

Good overview and the questions and responses from both newer governors as well as experienced governors was also enlightening .

Free Governor Briefing Sessions 2021/22 Brochure  

All governors are invited to book LA governor briefing sessions. There are a variety of sessions for key service areas and will allow governors to gain a better understanding of the processes and the responsibility of schools. To view the brochure and book your place onto any of these sessions please click here or see the brochure  here [305KB].



For previous LA Education Weekly Update please click here

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