24th January 2022
24th January 2022
Dear Colleagues,
To action: | |
Book onto a fully funded Mental Health First Aid Training course (or additional paid for spaces): Book your place here: registration form | ASAP
Ofsted Talk for Leaders - Early Years Reforms | 1st February 4pm via Teams |
Partnership Model proposal meeting - add to calendars
| 24th February 2022 10am to 12pm (N.B.change of date) |
Sign up for fully funded mental health & wellbeing support Complete this expression of interest form | ASAP
Ongoing reminders: | |
Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link: https://onlinecollections.des.fasst.org.uk/fastform/educational-setting-status
Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE via this online form | Not required until further notice |
Updated Offer for Mental Health & Wellbeing Support for Schools
- Mental Health First Aid Training: fully funded and accredited (discounted additional spaces)
Many maintained and academy schools have asked to provide additional spaces to our current funded offer. We are delighted to confirm that for a heavily discounted rate of £100 per staff, schools are now able to book in additional spaces, using the same registration form.
Training is being delivered over two full days by Gemini Training and is available on the following dates (course dates must be adhered to - candidates cannot attend Day 1 from one course then Day 2 of another). Training will be delivered virtually:
Course 1 | 1st February 2022 | 8th February 2022 | Few spaces remaining |
Course 2 | 22nd February 2022 | 1st March 2022 | Few spaces remaining |
Course 3 | 23rd February 2022 | 2nd March 2022 | Spaces available |
Course 4 | 8th March 2022 | 15th March 2022 | Few spaces remaining |
Course 5 | 9th March 2022 | 16th March 2022 | Spaces available |
Please book your place using the following registration form.
- Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead Support for Schools: fully funded
In order for schools to book in their entitlement to their day of support from the Wellbeing Advisor, please complete this expression of interest form to arrange this support. Lildonia will then be in touch with schools directly to confirm dates. Schools can use this support in part days (e.g. 2 hour training session for staff, half day support for SLT etc).
Any enquiries about the offer or to contact Lildonia directly for support or queries, please email EducationalWellbeing@hillingdon.gov.uk.
School allocation reminder:
| Mental Health First Aider Training (2 days training) | Wellbeing Advisor Support Entitlement |
Maintained schools:
| One space per school to attend the accredited Mental Health First Aid training free of charge. Additional spaces £100 each. | One full day of personalised support
Academy Trusts (MATs, SATs):
| One fully funded place will be available for each Academy Trust. For MATs with both primary & secondary provision, one space will be provided to a member of staff from both a primary and secondary setting. Additional spaces £100 each.
One full day of personalised support per Academy Trust. For MATs with both primary & secondary provision, one day will be provided to a primary and secondary lead from the Trust.
Young Cyclists Behaviour Survey - Years 7, 8 & 9
The LBH School Travel and Road Safety (STARS) Cycling Support Team are working in partnership with Dr Dan Bishop, a Senior Lecturer in Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences at Brunel University London.
The Brunel team are now running a project funded by The Bikeability Trust and Department for Transport, to improve our understanding of the barriers and enablers for Years 7-9 pupils and their parents regarding cycling on roads. The first part of the project is an online survey designed for the pupil and their parent/carer to complete together; those who do so will receive a £10 Amazon gift card, on a first come, first served, basis.
They can also choose to be entered into a draw for 3 additional studies:
•A joint pupil-and-parent/carer online interview (£25 Amazon gift card for each pupil interviewee)
•A cycle monitoring study in which the pupil would be eligible to purchase an award-winning See.Sense ACE rear light for only £10 (RRP £44.99)
•A Virtual Reality Cycling Competition (£250 worth of Amazon gift card prizes for the Top 3 performers)
SURVEY Participation Advert 2 (PDF, 362 KB)
Covid-19 Vaccine Eligibility Guide
Please find attached updated guide to eligibility.
VaccineEligibility (PDF, 298 KB)
Letter to Schools - Budget Planning 2022
Please find below a letter from Graham Young, Finance Business Partner, with regards to the 2022-23 Schools Budget Planning. The letter also includes details on virtual budget training available for new finance staff as well as workshops for existing finance staff and any other staff involved in budget planning.
Letter to Schools - Budget Planning 2022 (PDF, 147 KB)
First Aid Training
The Council offers a wide programme of regulated first aid training courses to suit your needs and are competitively priced. You can book places for individuals on our courses based at the Civic Centre in Uxbridge, or we can run courses at your school for groups.
Please use the link below to find details of the courses we offer, available dates and how to book a place.
First aid and health and safety courses - Hillingdon Council
Latest Edition of the Business Performance Newsletter
Please find attached for your information the latest edition of the Business Performance Newsletter "Staying in touch". This will be distributed to all members of the admin network group within the next few days.
Please note that school staff planning to attend the online FFT training in February should require their Head's permission.
Business Performance Newsletter January 2022 (PDF, 199 KB)
Team Teach Level 1 Course
Tuesday 22nd March 2022 Times: 09:00 - 3:45. £85 per person
Team Teach Level 2 Course (2 Day)
Tuesday 22nd March & Wednesday 23rd March 2022 Times: 09:00 - 3:45. £170 per person
Both course are aimed at low risk service settings: Mainstream Secondary, Primary Schools, Nurseries. Typically staff supporting individuals without any documented challenging behaviours that pose a physical risk to self or others. This course covers: personal safety, team building, non verbal and verbal de-escalation communication strategies, some positive handling techniques- if required, together with documentation and legal guidance, listening and learning, recording, reporting and reviewing. Settings must send at least two members of staff PLUS a senior member of staff (SENCO/SLT) unless a member of SLT has a current Team Teach certificate.
To book your place please contact Clare Edmondson Freelance Training - changingbehaviouruk@gmail.com. Tel 07789 517413. For further information: www.Changing-behaviour.co.uk
Free Governor Briefing Sessions 2021/22
Please be reminded that you are invited to book onto the LA governor briefing sessions. There are a variety of sessions for key service areas and will allow you to gain a better understanding of the processes and responsibility of schools.
To book your place onto any of these sessions please click here or to see the brochure with details of the briefings here [305KB].
Kind regards,
Abi Preston, Head of Education & Learning