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5th September 2022



Dear Colleagues, 


Ongoing reminders:   

There are currently none.



Health & Safety Green Alert - HSE to Inspect Management of Asbestos in Schools 

Please see the latest H&S Green Alert which is applicable to all schools:  GREEN alert re HSE to Inspect Management of Asbestos in School (PDF) [96KB]

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will be carrying out a programme of inspections to primary and secondary schools from September 2022 onwards.  Please ensure appropriate staff are aware and follow the key actions required. 


Health & Safety Matters for Schools 

1.     Key Responsibilities 

Although overall accountability for health & safety matters rests with the employer (board of governors, Academy Trust or the Local Authority), however responsibility for day-to-day management, typically, rests with the Headteacher. This entails ensuring: 

  • Staff and contractors are competent to perform their duties 
  • Risks (activities and premises e.g. teaching, school trips, electrical wiring, asbestos, water etc) are appropriately assessed by a competent person 
  • Recommendations/actions arising from risk assessments are addressed in a timely fashion 
  • Health & safety performance is monitored 
  • Any actions identified to improve performance are implemented 
  • Records are available for all of the above

2.     Assure 

All community schools are reminded to ensure they record accidents/incidents on Assure at the earliest opportunity, ideally within 48 hours of occurrence. 

All accidents/incidents should then be investigated, with the results also recorded on the record in Assure, within 10 days of occurrence. 

Did you know...Assure can also be used to complete Display Screen Equipment and risk assessments. 

Below are a number of guides to help you complete the above. There is also an online course for 'users of Assure' which can be booked via the Council's Learning Zone

How Do I... Investigate an Accident or Incident (PDF) [210KB]

How Do I... Report an Accident or Incident (PDF) [210KB]

How Do I... Complete an Activity Risk Assessment (PDF) [644KB]

How Do I... Complete my Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessment (PDF) [411KB]

How Do I... Process and submit Display Screen Equipment Assessments for approval (PDF) [334KB]

3.     Blended Learning First Aid Courses 

Along with the traditional delivery of first aid courses i.e. face to face the Council are now introducing blended learning courses. This means some of the course is completed by the learner as e-learning, at their leisure, before they attend face to face training. This reduces the time required for face-to-face training. For further details please click here.


Secondary Language Link Training for Hillingdon Secondary Schools

We are very pleased to inform all secondary schools they will have full access to Speechlink's speech and language software: screening tool, support toolkit and free training on using the system.

The Secondary Language Link package is used universally with all year 7 children, and with identified students in years 8 and 9 and helps to identify and support young people with speech and language needs. The Youth Justice Strategic Board are aware that there is a significant correlation between children in the Youth Justice system and unidentified Speech and Language needs. This screening tool will help schools to identify potential issues in year 7 and provide support to reduce the likelihood of young people of being excluded or entering the Youth Justice system due to unmet speech and language needs.

Registered staff will receive access codes for the Speechlink software and can sign up for the free training in using the system. This free training is designed for Hillingdon's new users of Secondary Language Link and is presented by SL Multimedia's Speech and Language Therapists.

We recommend at least 2 representatives attend from each school (one senior staff member e.g. SENCo or head teacher, PLUS one TA or LSA).

Please complete this form to register.  You will then receive access codes and can sign up for the 2 training sessions directly with the company.

The training is presented in two parts. Please ensure that you have registered for both sessions. 

  • PART 1

Date: Thursday 22nd September

Time: 10.00-11.30

This session will cover:

· Navigating the website

· Setting up your classes and entering students onto the system

· Using the screening assessment

Register in advance for this webinar: (must have signed up with LBH first as per instructions above)


  • PART 2

Date: Thursday 29th September

Time: 10.00-11.30

This session will look at Secondary Language Link interventions including:

· The SLCN Inclusion Toolkit

· Targeted Language Groups

· Talk Fitness

· Communication contracts

· Data and reporting

Register in advance for this webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_H7MoiK2jSHWc3Nm8UgB0BA

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact the Speech and Language Link Help Desk at: office2@speechlink.co.uk  Tel: 0333 577 0784.


Mental Health & Wellbeing Support 

Our Mental Health & Wellbeing Toolkit is available here on LEAP.  You will find model policies, webinars and helpful resources to support your school. 


GRT Education Programme 

Thank you to everyone who entered our GRT History month competition. We received a variety of fantastic entries from poems to pictures and whole school displays.  

On 13th July we welcomed visitors from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and a representative from the DfE.  They were able to meet with students and parents to discuss the GRT Programme and discuss the support needed across education. It was a very good visit, and they were impressed with what Hillingdon Council had put into place so far. 

During their visit they kindly agreed to judge the GRT History Month Competition and we are pleased to announce the following: 

Whole School Entries 

1st Place (Secondary School)   The Harefield Academy 

1st Place (Primary School)        Minet Junior School 

2nds Place (Primary School)    Harefield Junior School 

Individual Entries 

1st Place (Primary)                       JS from Minet Junior School 

2nd Place (Primary)                      HS from Laurel Lane Primary School 

3rd Place (Primary)                      ZE from Laurel Lane Primary School 

The GRT Programme was due to start in October 2021, unfortunately this was delayed whilst the recruitment of key personnel took place. We are pleased to announce that we have now received agreement from the Department of Levelling Up to extend the GRT Programme until 31st March 2023.  

For those schools involved in the pilot programme, we will be requesting further information on your GRT children to ascertain if the alternative ethnicity form has had any impact on families ascribing.  

We are able to offer support to children and families who are transitioning into either secondary school or further education. Our approach is to support the whole family, if you have children in Yr6, Yr11, Yr12, Yr13 who have younger siblings we can work with you to support all the children. 

If any of our schools wish to join the programme, please contact us as soon as possible at grteducation@hillingdon.gov.uk


EAL Strategies, Advice and Guidance 

Schools may find this EAL strategies, advice and guidance document  useful when supporting families that are new to the country. This has been produced by the Ark Evelyn Grace Academy and shared with all London Boroughs.


5 New Education Mental Health Practitioners for Schools and Colleges 

Would you like an Education Mental Health Practitioner in your school or college this academic year? 

Hillingdon Mental Health Support Team will be training 5 new Education Mental Health Practitioners to work in Hillingdon schools or colleges. The EMHPs are looking for a year-long placement in schools or college this academic year while they are undertaking their training.  They will support senior mental leads in each school or college to develop their whole school approach. They will provide advice and guidance to staff and liaise with external services to help children and young people to get the right support and stay in education. 

Expressions of interest in hosting an EMHP in your school or college can be done by filling the form below. The closing date for expressions of interest is 30th September. 

Hillingdon MHST_EMHP trainee phase host information (PDF) [127KB]

MHST EMHP Expression of Interest Form (Word doc) [50KB]

Please contact jade.rolls@nhs.net and kylee.brennan@nhs.net if you require any further information or support. 


Ofsted Inspection Questions - Summary by Harmondsworth Primary School 

Eleesa Dowding, Head Teacher of Harmondsworth Primary School has kindly collated a list of Ofsted questions from her recent inspection.  If schools would like further information, they are welcome to contact the school directly.


Sexual Health Services Survey - (Secondaries please share with over 16s) 

Have your say and help the Council to deliver services that meet your sexual health and contraception needs.  Click here: www.hillingdon.gov.uk/sexual-health-survey   Closing date is 9th September 2022. 


 L&D Training for Schools:   

Understanding & Supporting Behaviours That Challenge in the Primary Classroom Course - 15th September 2022 (structured time)

Time:  4 pm - 6 pm 

Venue: Via Webinar

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA 

A short course designed to help support staff and teachers in supporting behaviour that challenges during class time.  It will cover:  

  • Develop the skills of your SMSAs   
  • Understanding behaviour  
  • Personal space and body language   
  • Coping with crisis behaviours  
  • Using positive strategies to deal with behaviour that challenges  
  • Practical strategies to calm crisis  


Lunchtime Assistants De-escalation Training - 13th October 2022 (unstructured time)

Time:  4 pm - 6 pm  

Venue: Webinar 

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA  

A short course designed to help SMSAs in supporting behaviour that challenges during unstructured time.  It will cover:  

  • Develop the skills of your SMSAs   
  • Understanding behaviour  
  • Personal Space and body language   
  • Coping with crisis behaviours  
  • Using positive strategies to deal with behaviour that challenges  
  • Practical strategies to calm crisis  


Reducing Exclusions in Primary and Secondary Settings Course - 18th October 2022  

Time: 4 pm - 6 pm

Venue: Via Webinar 

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA  

Speechmark commissioned author, Clare Edmondson shares her research and knowledge from her upcoming book "Desperately Seeking Inclusion" - how to support your children and young people at risk of exclusion.  It covers:  

  • The current picture of exclusions in the UK  
  • Impact of exclusions  
  • The pros and the cons  
  • What evidence suggests is the best way to reduce exclusions  


Humanities KS1 & KS2 Fieldwork and Local Studies Day - 18th October 2022  

The History fieldwork day will be taking place at 9 am - 12 pm at Harmondsworth Primary School and The Great Barn, Harmondsworth. 

The Geography fieldwork day will be taking place at 1 pm - 3 pm at Harmondsworth Primary School.  

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.  

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.  


An Introduction to Trauma and Attachment Course - 10th November 2022 

Time: 4 pm - 6 pm 

Venue: Via Webinar 

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA  

A young person's attachment difficulties can impact their behaviour.  It is important for all practitioners who work with children and young people to have a sound knowledge of this, especially as children and staff are currently living through a natural disaster.  These circumstances will undoubtedly add to current complex trauma or create difficulties for children who had not previously presented with trauma or attachment difficulties. 


Humanities Co-Ordinator Meeting - History 15th November 2022  

Time: 9.30 am - 11.30 am 

Venue: Via Webinar 

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.  

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.  


Humanities Co-Ordinator Meeting - Geography 24th November 2022 

Time: 1 pm - 3 pm 

Venue: Via Webinar 

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.  

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details.  

Please book your places for any of these courses via Learning Zone or email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk with any query. 


Team Teach Level 1 (Low Risk Settings) Course - 4th October 2022  

Time: 9 am - 3.45 pm 

Venue:  St Mary's Catholic School, Rockingham Close, Uxbridge UB8 2UA  

Cost: £85 per person   

Aimed at low-risk service settings: Mainstream Secondary, Primary Schools, Nurseries, Children's Hospitals, Elderly Care etc. Typically, staff supporting individuals without any documented challenging behaviours that pose a physical risk to self or others.  This course covers: personal safety, team building, non-verbal and verbal de-escalation communication strategies, some positive handling techniques- if required, together with documentation and legal guidance, listening and learning, recording, reporting and reviewing.  

Settings must send at least two members of staff PLUS a senior member of staff (SENCO/SLT) unless a member of SLT has a current Team Teach certificate. 

To book your place please contact Clare Edmondson Freelance Training  changingbehaviouruk@gmail.com  Tel: 077895 16413.  For further information please see www.Changing-behaviour.co.uk .


School Administrators and Business Managers Network Meeting

On:  Thursday 13 October 2022 

Time:  1 pm - 3.30 pm 

Venue:  Committee Room 5, Civic Centre 

Please book your place via Learning Zone at the following link: Admin Network Meeting: Admin Network Meeting (learningpool.com)  or email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk with any query. 


LA Schools' Governance Service Event

All school governors from maintained and academy schools are invited to the LA's annual Schools' Governance Service Event. Information and updates will be given by key service managers from across the Council.

Date: 13th October 2022

Time: 5 - 7 pm

Via MS Teams

Please see Agenda for further details and link to join the meeting:  LA School Governance Service Event - Agenda - 13.10.22 (PDF) [73KB]


LA Schools' Governance Service Events for 2022/23  

Following on from the success of last year's governor briefing sessions, the LA Schools' Governance Service has created a brochure of events for 2022/23. 

We have organised 3 Service events and 15 different briefing sessions from key Council service areas.  These will be held over various dates throughout the next academic year.  The sessions will allow governors to gain a better understanding of the processes and the responsibilities of schools.  

Following on from the new KCSIE guidance, it is important to have as many governors attend the Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse briefing sessions as possible.  

To view the brochure and book your place onto any of these events please click here.  


Universal Youth Services Accredited Programmes - Secondaries please share with students 

  • We have had a second successful year with Young Enterprise, the group's company Animalistic & Co. sold all of their stock, got their seed money back and made £30.00 profit per participant. We will be looking to start another company in September, participants will learn business skills as they set up and run their company everything from product design, marketing, sourcing materials & financial management alongside personal and life skills such as team work & communication. The company program runs from late September to July and we welcome participants who are school year 9+. There is no enrolment fee although participants need to put in an amount they agree as a group (£5.00 - £15.00 typically) to purchase initial materials, unless they wish to fund raise to get this seed money.  I am looking for expressions of interest now from young people, the group will meet weekly during term time for 1 - 2 hours, day and venue for meeting to be decided. 
  • The Duke of Edinburgh's Award has achieved a 51% achievement rate in year due to the magnificent efforts of the participants and staff team. Anyone in year 9+ who would be interested in taking part, we run 3 sessions per week across the borough where they can enrol for the Award at Bronze, Silver or Gold depending on age or take part in a range of activities with other Award participants. These sessions are also open to anyone in the borough doing the Award through school/college. We run our own expeditions at each level of the Award and welcome participants enrolled through schools who cannot do expeditions with them. UYS works with participants up to the age of 25. 
  • We will be offering Sports, Dance & STEM Leaders Awards at level 1. These are accredited programs where participants gain personal and leadership skill through sport, dance or STEM projects, participants should be year 9+ and would need to attend 1 session each week for a minimum of 12 weeks, day and venue to be decided for each course. 

All programmes are open to anyone who lives, is educated or who is LAC in Hillingdon.  Please contact mditchburn@hillingdon.gov.uk for further details.

Maggie Ditchburn, Program Coordinator, Universal Youth Service 


Brilliant Parents - Parent Champion Network - please share with parents/guardians

Brilliant Parents have created a new self-referral form so that making referrals is an easier process.  Please follow their link to make a referral: Parent Champion Referral form 

For more info on the parent champion support, see this flyer: Parent Champion info and request (PDF) [64KB]

In addition, they are currently recruiting volunteers. They have an excellent training programme and are particularly keen to receive interest from parents who understand the challenges of the parents we are supporting. 

For further information please contact Sarah Rust, Volunteer Programme Manager on tel: 07495 024 449, email: sarah.rust@brilliantparents.org or see: www.brilliantparents.org .


MyHealth Asthma Workshops - please share with parents/guardians 

MyHealth are running FREE Asthma workshops for parents who have children with Asthma. These sessions are run by the Hillingdon Hospital asthma nurses giving you the chance to learn from health professionals and to ask them questions directly.  The workshop is run online using ZOOM from 4pm - 5pm, you can register your FREE place using this link

You can also contact the MyHealth team on tel: 01895 543 437 or nhsnwlccg.myhealth@nhs.net .

Copy of Asthma Workshop multiple dates (PDF) [185KB]


Plant-Based Cooking in Schools Online Workshop - 14th September 2022 3 pm

ProVeg UK invites you to join us for our School Plates plant-based cooking in schools online workshop. These sessions are aimed at caterers or anyone else who is interested, from individual schools. We will be demonstrating how to prepare simple, inexpensive, nutritionally balanced, and most importantly, tasty, plant-based recipes that children will love! School Plates is the flagship programme of ProVeg UK that delivers menu change across UK schools to improve the health of our children and the planet. Register here to join. 

Watch past workshops: MayJuneJuly

To learn more about School Plates programme visit https://proveg.com/uk/school-plates-the-programme Or email Schools@proveg.com 



Education and SEND

London Borough of Hillingdon, 4E/07, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW


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