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26th September 2022

Dear Colleagues, 

Ongoing reminders:

Schools can sign up to Educational Visits Coordinator Training using this form. Click here for further details. 

By 28th October 

Virtual LA Schools' Governance Service Events for all governors - add to diary

13th October 2022   5 - 7 pm


School & Workforce Census 

The autumn School Census is a couple of weeks away and is closely followed by the Workforce Census. 

Dates for the autumn census are: 

  • Census reference date: Thursday 06/10/2022 
  • Return Submission Deadline: Wednesday 02/11/2022 
  • Attendance data: 18/04/2022 - 31/07/2022 
  • Exclusion's data: 01/01/2022 - 31/07/2022 
  • Alternative provision placement data: 19/05/2022 - 06/10/2022 
  • Learning Aims data: 01/08/2021 - 06/10/2022 
  • Funding and monitory data: 01/08/2022 - 06/10/2022 
  • Free school meal eligibility data: 20/05/2022 - 06/10/2022 

A document named "How to Upload Your School Census Return" is attached below, along with various DfE guidance documents.  Please forward these to your School Business and Data Managers for their review prior to completing and submitting your return.  The key point is to prepare your return, upload it to COLLECT and resolve all errors and queries before submitting it.  Also please take time to run the COLLECT errors reports to ensure all duplicates have been resolved - same person/different UPN and same UPN/different person duplicates can impact your funding. 

Please contact your MIS supplier prior to the 6th October to ensure you have the up-to-date software and reference data. 

We will produce a guidance document for the Workplace Census soon. 

The Data Team 

How to upload your School Census return (PDF) [337KB]

Collect_guide_for_schools_July-2019 (PDF) [2MB]

2022-23_School_Census_Business_and_Technical_Spec_V_1.2 (PDF) [2MB]

School_Census_2022_to_2023_-_Autumn_-_School_Summary_Report_specification_v1.0_publishing (PDF) [522KB]

2022-23_School_Census_Validations_V1.1 (Excel doc) [136KB]

Data_Needed_on_the_school_census_22_23_v1.1 (Excel doc) [37KB]


Safeguarding Partnership Training Courses - Late Cancellation Policy

With effect from 1st October 2022, Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership is implementing a Late Cancellation Policy in relation to Safeguarding Partnership training courses booked via Learning Zone. The purpose is to ensure that training spaces are available to those who would like to attend.   

Where it is necessary to cancel a space, the cancellation must be processed on Learning Zone three working days before the course is due to be held. This allows us to offer spaces to others. 

Where insufficient notice of cancellation is given, or a delegate does not attend on the day, the full cost of the course will be charged to the organisation. 

Please share this with your teams and colleagues as required in advance of 1st October 2022 and direct queries to safeguardingpartnership@hillingdon.gov.uk 


Risk Reduction Through Search and Confiscation

The Council is providing an opportunity for Alternative Provisions, Secondary and Primary schools to receive training around 'Risk Reduction Through Search and Confiscation' of weapons. The training will sit alongside the weapons protocol and will allow an opportunity for education professionals to be upskilled within this area, to safeguard settings. 

Certain areas covered include the context, methods and impacts of a search, risk assessment, local risk mitigation and the awareness of strategies aimed at reducing the threat of knives entering schools. Resources will be provided following attendance and an opportunity to link in with guidance from Excel Training Solutions to support you with anything you require. 

The Half Day training will be delivered on: 

Friday 18th November - 9:00am - 12:30pm (Civic Centre Uxbridge) 

Friday 24th February - 9:00am - 12:30pm (Civic Centre Uxbridge) 

The learn more about this opportunity, please see expression of interest document: Risk Reduction through Search and Confiscation  

If you are interested in taking part, please complete the form provided within the link and return this to DHughes@hillingdon.gov.uk by Friday 7th October 2022. 


Schools' Governance Events for 2022/23   

The first of our governor virtual Briefing Sessions is on Wednesday 5th October at 6 pm by the Axis Service.  For more information and to book your place please click here.  A link to join the session will be emailed to you.  We look forward to seeing as many governors as possible there to hear an update from this very important service.  

We also have our second Governance Service Event on Recruitment/Matching for your Governing Body on Monday 7th November 6 - 7.30 pm.  This event, in partnership with Governors for Schools, is for governors looking to recruit new members.  Please register here to attend. 


Brilliant Parents Lunch and Learn Webinar: Building Emotional Resilience - please share with parents/carers

On Friday 30th September between 12:30-13:30, Brilliant Parents are offering a FREE webinar. Please see this flyer   Lunch and Learn webinar (PDF) [108KB]  for more information and to book a space, click here.


Team Teach Level 1 (Low Risk Settings) Course - 4th October 2022     

Time: 9 am - 3.45 pm    

Venue:  St Mary's Catholic School, Rockingham Close, Uxbridge UB8 2UA     

Cost: £85 per person      

Aimed at low-risk service settings: Mainstream Secondary, Primary Schools, Nurseries, Children's Hospitals, Elderly Care etc. Typically, staff supporting individuals without any documented challenging behaviours that pose a physical risk to self or others.  This course covers: personal safety, team building, non-verbal and verbal de-escalation communication strategies, some positive handling techniques- if required, together with documentation and legal guidance, listening and learning, recording, reporting and reviewing.     

Settings must send at least two members of staff PLUS a senior member of staff (SENCO/SLT) unless a member of SLT has a current Team Teach certificate.    

To book your place please contact Clare Edmondson at changingbehaviouruk@gmail.com  Tel: 077895 16413.  For further information please see www.Changing-behaviour.co.uk .   


L&D Training for Schools:      

Lunchtime Assistants De-escalation Training - 13th October 2022 (unstructured time) 

Time:  4 pm - 6 pm     

Venue: Webinar    

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA     

A short course designed to help SMSAs in supporting behaviour that challenges during unstructured time.  It will cover:     

  • Develop the skills of your SMSAs      
  • Understanding behaviour     
  • Personal Space and body language      
  • Coping with crisis behaviours     
  • Using positive strategies to deal with behaviour that challenges     
  • Practical strategies to calm crisis 

Reducing Exclusions in Primary and Secondary Settings Course - 18th October 2022  

Time: 4 pm - 6 pm   

Venue: Via Webinar    

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA     

Speechmark commissioned author, Clare Edmondson shares her research and knowledge from her upcoming book "Desperately Seeking Inclusion" - how to support your children and young people at risk of exclusion.  It covers:     

  • The current picture of exclusions in the UK     
  • Impact of exclusions     
  • The pros and the cons     
  • What evidence suggests is the best way to reduce exclusions   

Humanities KS1 & KS2 Fieldwork and Local Studies Day - 18th October 2022 

The History fieldwork day will be taking place at 9 am - 12 pm at Harmondsworth Primary School and The Great Barn, Harmondsworth.    

The Geography fieldwork day will be taking place at 1 pm - 3 pm at Harmondsworth Primary School.     

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.     

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details. 

An Introduction to Trauma and Attachment Course - 10th November 2022 

Time: 4 pm - 6 pm    

Venue: Via Webinar    

Cost: Free to Schools purchasing the L&D SLA, £65 to Schools not purchasing the L&D SLA     

A young person's attachment difficulties can impact their behaviour.  It is important for all practitioners who work with children and young people to have a sound knowledge of this, especially as children and staff are currently living through a natural disaster.  These circumstances will undoubtedly add to current complex trauma or create difficulties for children who had not previously presented with trauma or attachment difficulties. 

Humanities Coordinator Meeting - History 15th November 2022 

Time: 9.30 am - 11.30 am    

Venue: Via Webinar    

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.     

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse.   Please click here for more details. 

Humanities Coordinator Meeting - Geography 24th November 2022 

Time: 1 pm - 3 pm    

Venue: Via Webinar    

Cost: The course is free to schools purchasing the L&D SLA.  For schools not purchasing the L&D SLA and all others there is a fee of £80 per person for this half day course.     

These are face to face events with trainer Kate Moorse. Please click here for more details. 

Please book your places for any of these courses via Learning Zone or email learninganddevelopment@hillingdon.gov.uk with any query.    



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