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17th June 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Please find our weekly briefing below to cascade to your colleagues who can respond on behalf of your team, school or setting. 



Headteachers / Deputies are invited to attend the Head Teachers' Termly meeting.  Please see updated Head Teachers' Termly Agenda - Summer 2024 (PDF) [152KB]

On 18th June 10am - 12 pm

Schools are asked to complete the Music In Schools Survey. Thank you to those schools who have already

By 28th June

Schools and Colleges are invited to participate in the Whole School SEND Professional Development Group. Click here to sign up

By 4th July

Schools to submit FSM return to hsgrant@hillingdon.gov.uk

By 9th July

Hillingdon LEAP can be accessed for information and guidance for all settings


Notification of Critical Incident  & contacts can be found here


Education Services contacts can be found here


The SEND & Inclusion Training Brochure can be viewed here


The HLP Brochure can be viewed at Hillingdon Learning Partnership



 For Action All Schools:

New Wellbeing Support Service Coming Soon 

From Monday 1st July, the employee assistance provider (EAP) is moving from Workplace Wellness to a new EAP, Health Assured. 

The free 24/7 service offers a range of support for all school staff, including counselling bereavement support, financial and legal advice, medical support from qualified nurses and online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) sessions. 


Linked below are posters and guidance for contacting Health Assured and the Wisdom App to share with colleagues.  Please note we do not have access to the Managers Support.

Wisdom_Launch_Poster (PDF) [4MB]

Wisdom_Overview (PDF) [5MB]

Wisdom_How_to_Download_Guide (PDF) [10MB]

HA_FAQs_and_Contacting_Assistance_Programme (PDF) [11MB]

Any queries should be directed to: Shorn@hillingdon.gov.uk


Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month - June 2024

We are delighted to inform schools that the GRT Education Team is celebrating Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month 2024 through another competition.

The competition theme this year is Celebrations. We invite schools, children, and young people to join the competition by submitting an entry that can be presented as a piece of art, a poem, or a short story, alternatively, the school can collate everything and submit a whole school display.

Full competition details can be found here:  GRTHM competition info (Word doc) [39KB]

Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities have their own unique history and traditions which are still celebrated today. Families and the wider community come together to celebrate at cultural events like horse fairs, weddings, and funerals. These gatherings help to keep these traditions alive and reinforce important aspects of culture and identity. We recognise that cultural celebrations and gatherings are also a big part of the diversity of many other families in Hillingdon.

Every June since 2008, people from across the UK have celebrated Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month (GRTHM). Through celebration and raising awareness GRTHM aims to tackle prejudice, challenge misconceptions, and promote a better understanding of GRT communities. During GRTHM we celebrate the unique and diverse histories, cultures and traditions of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in the UK and the valuable contributions GRT individuals and communities bring to wider society.

In Hillingdon there are different distinct groups that fit under the umbrella term "Gypsies, Roma and Travellers" The groups have nomadism in common, but differ in language, traditions, and ethnicity however defining people as Travellers or Gypsies has nothing to do with living in a caravan or living a mobile lifestyle. Ethnic identity is not "lost" when a family settles.

GRTHM takes place in June, but it could also be used as an example of good practice at any time throughout the year, you can do this by:

  • Ensuring you are aware of your GRT families in school and encouraging and supporting them to self- ascribe on school ethnicity data.
  • Raising staff awareness through training,
  • Linking Gypsy Roma Traveller history month to your school inclusion/ race equality agenda.
  • Planning events and activities relevant to GRT history and culture.
  • Promoting GRTHM to the wider school, through assembly and displays.
  • Ensuring GRT related books and resources are available in school.
  • Contacting local and national GRT organisations for additional support and guidance

You can access resources and other support documents on LEAP here: Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Programme - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk)

The GRT Education Team are available to offer advice and support and can be contacted at grteducation@hillingdon.gov.uk


CNWL Online Safeguarding Conference - Wednesday 19th June 2024

Please see for details on the upcoming CNWL Online Safeguarding Conference on Wednesday 19th June 2024 and booking details.  Please share widely with your colleagues as appropriate.

19 06 2024 Safeguarding Conference programme (PDF) [276KB]

Safeguarding Partnership


School Census - Resolving Duplicate Pupils

The Business Intelligence Team have reached the stage in School Census processing where they are now starting to identify duplicate pupils: This is:

1.     Pupils with same Name, DOB, and Sex but different UPN.

2.     Pupils with same UPN but different Name, DOB, or Sex.

Duplicates impact your funding allocations such as the dedicated schools grant and pupil premium. Linked below is a document that explains how your school can identify duplicates.  If further assistance is required, please contact  schoolcensus@hillingdon.gov.uk.

Duplicate Pupils (PDF) [178KB]


Water Safety

As we approach warm weather and summer holidays, we have been asked by the London Fire Brigade to share information about water safety. You can find the London Fire Brigade safety messaging here.

The London Fire Brigade offer a water education course for schools, which they would recommend to all, especially to schools close to waterways. Schools can request a session through their website here.


Thrive Mental Health Lead Training

The DfE is offering grants to fund Senior Mental Health Lead training for schools and colleges in England, with over 15,000 already benefiting. Settings are eligible if they:

  • are a state school or college in England
  • haven't accessed this funding before
  • have a commitment from the senior leadership team to develop a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing

Second grants are also available if the person they previously trained has left the setting.

To book the free place, schools and colleges must apply for funding on the DfE website. The DfE will then reimburse you for the cost of the course, which is £800, leaving £400 to spend in your setting.

Click here to view course details & book place

If your schools aren't eligible but would still like to embed a whole school approach to mental health, you can also purchase the course for £800.

If you have any queries, please email enquiries@thriveapproach.com



For Action Primary Schools:

School Food Matters Survey for All Hillingdon Primary Schools

Hillingdon Council have commissioned the charity School Food Matters to undertake a survey in primary schools which will shape the universal offer to support improvements to school food in Hillingdon. The survey will ask some basic questions about the food at your school to give us insight into:

  • What schools are already doing well
  • What schools need support with
  • How schools would like to receive that support (online, in person, etc.)

The survey is the start of a comprehensive piece of work taking place between now and January 2025. It will provide an overview and set the stage for in-person audits at 20 Hillingdon primaries. This project will also bring together data from previous surveys to provide the most complete picture possible on what support schools need.

Please access the survey here:  School Food Matters Survey for Headteachers

School Food Matters survey FAQ (PDF) [99KB]



Please see letter linked below from the Deputy Mayor of Children and Families that has been sent out to all schools.

Dep Mayor UFSM Letter to Schools June 2024 (PDF) [203KB]

If you have any queries in the meantime, please do send them to freeschoolmeals@london.gov.uk.   


Summer Reading Challenge 2024 - Marvellous Makers

The Summer Reading Challenge is a national initiative to encourage children to continue reading during the summer holidays, ensuring readiness for the autumn school term.

Children aged 4 to 11 can sign up at any Hillingdon library to set a reading goal and collect rewards for reading anything they enjoy. If children complete all 4 visits they will receive a medal, certificate and entry into prize draws to win amazing prizes including a Kindle Fire.

This year's theme is 'Marvellous Makers' and focuses on creativity through the power of reading, with activities including arts and crafts and junk modelling.  Join us for our launch events with author Steve Antony who will be hosting sessions on Teams for Key Stage 1 and 2 on Friday 5th July.

For more information, visit discover.hillingdon.gov.uk/summer-reading.

Headteacher_Governer_SRC2024 (PDF) [508KB]

SRC Launch Virtual Author Events (PDF) [224KB]


Please share with EY Parents / Carers

School Readiness at Learn Hillingdon

Parents - do you have a young child going to 'big' school for the first time in September?

So, what is school readiness? Well, we see it as a measure of how prepared a child is to succeed in school, cognitively, socially and emotionally. This allows teachers to focus on developing skills and stops young children playing 'catch up', so they can develop their love for school and parents can be confident that their child is coping well with the transition.

Sadly, the last statistical data shows that in Hillingdon 1 in 2 children are 'school ready' compared to Lewisham where about 3 in 4 children are school ready - fingertips.phe.org.uk 2014. And the pandemic will not have improved this situation.

So, we are offering all parents of young children, who are about to go to school for the first time a free course:

CHO1057 - School Readiness (online course)

Starts 25th June 2024 7pm to 9pm - 4 weeks

All parents need to do is enrol online using the link Course List Course List | ontrack: Learner Hub (tribal-ebs.com) just click on the blue ENROL button.

Once enrolled, we will then send the parent, via email, all the information they need to attend including the link to the online class.




Abi Preston

Director of Education & SEND

Children's Services, London Borough of Hillingdon, 4E/07, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW

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