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14th June 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly   Education Executive Summary [255KB]  round-up of schools' guidance update.



Hillingdon Education Partnership Review

Friday 18th June

Education Summer Conference registration form

Friday 25th June

ECT AB LA service offer

Friday 25th June

Send out parent survey on School Lunchboxes to parents to complete: School Lunchbox Survey

Friday 18th June

Climate Change Consultation

Sunday 20th June

Open mornings / evenings promotion in the LA school admissions brochure - confirm that your date has been agreed and that parents will be able to visit your school

no later than Friday 18th June

Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:


Daily for all settings

Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE weekly via the following link:

Data collection from schools for DfE (office.com)

Fortnightly for Early Years Settings

Hillingdon Music Hub youth consultation:


End of June


Hillingdon Education Partnership Review

The Schools' Strategic Partnership Board has commissioned an independent organisation, Isos Partnership, to undertake a review of the current ways in which schools are collaborating together and working with the local authority, and to explore options for the future education partnership. 

As a first step in this work, Isos Partnership have prepared a short survey for senior leaders from schools and chairs of governors to provide an initial baseline view on current partnership arrangements and to give their views on areas to explore further in the review. A link to the survey is included below. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The deadline for responses is the 18th June.


Responses to the survey will only be shared with Isos Partnership and they will treat all responses in confidence - individual responses will not be shared with anyone else and any comments used will not be attributed to individuals. We have attached a  brief [128KB]  from Isos Partnership that gives more background about the review. If you have any questions about the review please contact Simon Day at simon.day@isospartnership.com.

Thank you in advance for your contributions to this important piece of work

Head Teachers Termly Reminder this Thursday

Reminder that all Headteachers are invited to the Council's Head Teachers' Termly Session on Thursday 17th June 2021 from 14.00-16.00. Please click  here [130KB] for the Agenda and MS Teams meeting link. 

Registration open for the Education Summer Conference: Hillingdon - Stronger Together 

Thank you for saving the date for our conference, taking place on Monday 12th July 2021 from 09.00-16.10 at Oak Wood School. Please sign up to attend using this registration form to secure one place per school, for the HT or representative. It is necessary to restrict attendees due to Covid social distancing requirements. Please register by Friday 25th June 2021 and see this conference  flyer [128KB]  for more information on the line up for the day. 

ECT Appropriate Body LA Service Offer

Hillingdon schools are able to access the LBH Appropriate Body service to meet the needs of the ECF. Please see  here [27KB]  for more information and aim to contact us by 25th June 2021 with an indication of the support required.  

RSE model policy andtoolkit of resources

Last year the RSE working group created a boroughwide model policy template and also shared other RSE resources, such as parent consultation documents which schools may find useful. This toolkit of RSE resources have all now been added to LEAP and can be accessed here - RSE toolkit - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk).

Schools' additional PP funding for No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

Schools can apply for additional pupil premium to cover support for children from NRPF families. Please note that there is a deadline of 5PM on 30 June 2021. Usually, schools cannot access pupil premium to support children in NRPF families, even if they would otherwise meet the criteria. However, following litigation there is a narrow window for schools to apply for additional pupil premium funding to cover the cost of supporting these families.

As you will know, although FSM has been extended temporarily to children from many NRPF groups (including those on section 4 support) as per this policy: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-free-school-meals-guidance/guidance-for-the-temporary-extension-of-free-school-meals-eligibility-to-nrpf-groups this group was excluded from the pupil premium grant. The Secretary of State has agreed to extend the pupil premium for the financial year April 2021 - 2022 and implement a process whereby eligible schools can make claims for the 2021-2022 pupil premium grant. The Government has very recently announced the implementation of a process by which schools and academies can apply for additional pupil premium funding:  (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/esfa-update-2-june-2021/esfa-update-local-authorities-2-june-2021)   

Schools can now make the claim using the following online form and Guidance: https://form.education.gov.uk/service/nrpf       

The deadline to submit these claims is 5 PM on 30 June 2021.

Transition Y6-Y7

Dear Colleagues,

Please find   Paper File Transfer Day 2021 - Organisation and Protocols [14KB]  and  Primary File Drop off Times 2021 [17KB] .  This is information about the morning we have organised to enable our Year 6 pupil files to be transferred onto Hillingdon secondary schools. This year the event is planned for Thursday 26th August between 9:30am and 10:30am. Vyners Secondary school have kindly agreed to host the event again. 

All Hillingdon Primaries have been allocated a 15 minute slot to drop off the files and to help with social distancing - all Hillingdon Secondary schools have agreed to be represented. 

We hope this will be a very quick and efficient way to handover files securely. Please ensure you get all records signed for by Secondary representatives as proof that the documents have been handed over. For GDPR please ensure you hand over the entire contents of the file and do not sift through before handing over. As we know, on a few occasions children end up changing secondary school at the very last minute. If files are handed over and then a child does not end up attending as expected, the relevant secondary will take responsibility for transfer to the correct school. 

Many thanks for your help with this. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries.

Kind Regards,


Sarah Evans


Cranford Park Academy

Delta Variant by Oak National Academy

The following below may be helpful to schools where pupils are having to self-isolate.

In light of the increased cases of the Delta variant the Oak National Academy has reiterated that its remote provision - 10,000 lessons covering the national curriculum from EYFS to Year 11 - remain available and free to support teachers and pupils to keep learning remotely. It is also available to offer additional support where colleagues feel schools in your area would benefit from a personalised webinar or some 1-1 support. 

Summer learning

Oak has put together a summer learning support package of entirely optional lessons and resources, to help save teachers' time, reduce their workload and give the best possible support to pupils.

Oak's Summer Learning Support offer includes:

  • EYFS - Y11 priority units and lessons identified in English, Maths, Science, Geography and History to help prepare pupils for the next academic year
  • Newly designed quizzes at a unit/topic level, to act as a formative tool in identifying gaps in knowledge
  • Creative, active and mental health resources from a range of partner organisations for vital wellbeing support
  • A full package of detailed guidance for teachers, parents and pupils, including our Summer Learning Support Guide and Priority Lesson Guide.

Update on the FFT offer of EYFSP and Key Stage 1 & 2 Assessments for Primary Schools

To receive the maximum benefit, schools will need to register for the Data Sharing Exchange System on FFT's site: FFT End of Key Stage,Assessment Service, available end of June 2021.

This summer term launches the FFT End of Key Stage Assessment Service for primary schools. With no national assessments this year FFT recognise the need to understand performance and attainment throughout this academic year in order to evaluate and plan for the next. FFT has recently contacted schools directly to advise them of this year's service and how they can take part. Schools will be able to track their 2021 progress against FFT estimates, compare their attainment against other schools nationally and understand the impact of COVID-19 learning loss.

Go to the webpage to find out more by clicking on this link.

OFSTED release the latest update on their IDSR system

OFSTED have asked us to forward the following information to all schools:

"We have updated the inspection data summary report (IDSR) with absence data from autumn term 2020, based on the DfE published data. The absence data used in the IDSR is based on the DfE census collection and has been provided as a new section within the IDSR. This is different to the daily attendance collection which schools have submitted throughout the pandemic, which will not be used in the IDSR.

This data relates to absences during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As such, users should not directly compare 2020 autumn absence to historic absence rates. There may be a number of reasons for changes in absence rates. Inspectors will not use the 2020 autumn absence data by itself to draw conclusions but may use it to prompt questions regarding how well attended a school was during this period. Inspectors may also use previous years' data to provide context to the latest data, particularly where a school has previously had high or low absence rates in relation to other schools.

It is important to note that:

  • If a pupil tested positive for COVID-19 then this absence should have been treated as an illness and included within the data.
  • However other COVID-19 related absence, such as pupils being sent home to isolate, did not count as absences within the data.

Further detail on how absence rates have been calculated can be found in the DfE published methodology.

Please ensure you download the latest version of your IDSR, which will have the 7 June 2021 release date.

Should you have any IDSR or Ofsted IDSR service queries, please contact either:

Free training opportunity with renowned clinical psychologist Dr Karen Treisman MBE

Hillingdon Virtual School are delighted to invite you to a live webinar with Dr Karen Treisman MBE as an extension of our training programme for Designated Teachers.

WHEN:Wednesday 7th July

SESSION 1:9.30am - 12.30pm

SESSION 2:1.15pm - 4.15pm


The webinar will run all day but is divided into two topics; the morning's session will focus on trauma-informed spaces and the afternoon's session will focus on organisational trauma.

Some may have attended our full day on organisational trauma last year; there will be the option to leave the webinar during the lunch break if you do not wish to repeat this content.

This day is particularly well suited to professionals in middle management and above but can be beneficial to all.

If you wish to attend, please complete the form using the link below no later than Friday 2nd July.

Book your place here.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Designated Teachers and Designated Safeguarding Leads have already been given a priority booking opportunity for this session.

YGAM on youth gaming and gambling harm prevention

Free training from YGAMYouth gaming and gambling harm prevention: Raising awareness and building  digital resilience - Primary and Secondary resources.

Sandy Thompson (Education Manager at YGAM - The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust) ran a training session in April which included Hillingdon schools and feedback has been really positive and the training comes highly recommended. Sandy has set up a further training specifically for Hillingdon school staff on Wednesday 16th June at 9:30am - 12pm(2.5 hours via Microsoft Teams).

The training is free and fully assured by City and Guilds - with staff receiving a certificate.The training is designed to  enable teachers and support staff to deliver sessions directly to young people.  There are over 450 resources which are aligned to the PSHE and RSE Curriculum for KS2 to KS5. For each year group there is a full scheme of work and six 'ready to go' lesson plans, PowerPoints, and infographics, ideal for PSHE Coordinators and DSLs.

Topics covered include: 

  • how young people are increasingly exposed to gaming and gambling  
  • the influence of advertising, particularly around sporting events 
  • the role of social media, in game purchases, loot boxes and Esports  
  • the signs of harm and where to seek help 

Booking for the 16th June session is via an online form here

Free Walking in Our Shoes Training - delivered by care experienced young people

There are still spaces left on the next sessions of Walking in our shoes training on Monday 14th June 10.30 - 1pm and Wednesday 7th July 10:30 - 1pm. Free of charge.

The training is facilitated by care experienced young people supported by staff from the Children's Rights and Participation Team the session will help you:

  • Gain insight into the journey through care from a young person's perspective
  • Reinforcing the importance of building resilience and emotional wellbeing in young people and yourself
  • Understanding of the strengths and qualities that our young people need from you

Colleagues who attended previous sessions have said that the training  was "really good, interesting, thought provoking and interactive!"  & "Hands down, the single best online training I have attended. It was insightful, engaging and sparked great conversations." 

To book please go to Walking in our Shoes - Corporate Parenting/HSCP Young People Lead Training: Walking in our Shoes - Corporate Parenting/Hillingdon Safeguarding Children Partnership Young People Lead Training - 2021/22 (learningpool.com) 

If you have any issues with booking, please contact Hannah Ives - hives@hillingdon.gov.uk.

Leadership opportunities in physical activity 

The Universal Youth Service is running two new projects that provide great opportunities for young people to develop leadership skills.  

This Girl Can is a great programme that links to Media Studies and PE as it looks at how the national campaign encourages women and girls to become more active in whatever way they enjoy. The program includes creating using young person focused marketing and opportunities to try new activities.  

The Active in Mind programme provides opportunities for young people who wish to build confidence through participating in physical activity Within this programme, an athlete engages with young people who can also apply to take on sports leadership roles, completing training to support delivery of sessions in young people centres.  

Sessions are delivered in young people centres as part of their core programme.  

Please promote this opportunity to young people. For more information please contact: Maggie Ditchburn Mditchburn@hillingdon.gov.uk 

Free online teacher training and resources from the LTA 

A new, free online course to guide you through how to use our innovative resources that have been developed by teachers, for teachers. As well as teaching fundamental movement skills and developing physical literacy, tennis is also a great way of developing personal and character skills and we have classroom materials to support. Teachers who complete the course will receive a resource pack and a £250 voucher* to spend on equipment, or ten hours of team-teaching support from an LTA Accredited Coach!  

Please see  flyer [622KB]  for more information. 

Sign up to the online course and access all the resources at: www.lta.org.uk/schools 

SEND Advisory Service- My Support Plan Review 

The SEND Advisory Service is currently undertaking a review of the My Support Plan. It has undergone a total revamp since the service transformation, and we want to ensure that the document: 

  • is fit for purpose 
  • is used effectively by settings across the borough 
  • captures the correct information 

For us to achieve the above we need to gain your feedback, analyse the findings and make any necessary amendments. 

We would appreciate it if you could complete this questionnaire by the 25.06.21, responses received after this date will not count towards any analysis. 



Dan Kennedy

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