14th March 2022
Dear Colleagues,
To action: | |
Sign up to the Hillingdon Learning Partnership if you wish to join using this link: https://forms.gle/9Zte15ecMsoRXaqr6 | Friday 18th March |
Sign up for fully funded mental health & wellbeing support if not already actioned: Complete this expression of interest form | ASAP |
Ongoing reminders: | |
Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link: https://onlinecollections.des.fasst.org.uk/fastform/educational-setting-status | Thursdays |
Invitation to join Hillingdon Learning Partnership
Thank you to colleagues who were able to join us on the 24th February at the Civic Centre to hear about the exciting proposals for the launch of the Hillingdon Learning Partnership.
For colleagues that were unable to attend, we have attached again the prospectus and slides that were shared at the event. We have also included questions and answers in the full letter from the event for all to see below.
Hillingdon Learning Partnership Prospectus 2022 (PDF, 789 KB) HLP Invitation Letter_Final (PDF, 444 KB)
We are now asking colleagues to give a firm commitment to join Hillingdon Learning Partnership by the 18th March. Schools signing up for the partnership will then receive an invoice for their Year 1 membership fee during April.
The Hillingdon Learning Partnership Board will be meeting for the first time on the 21st March to determine the process for selecting lead schools and taking work forward next term.
We are also planning to organise a briefing event for Governing Bodies early in the summer term to provide an overview of the proposals and answer any questions they may have.
If you have any other questions or feedback to share at this stage or if you would like to discuss becoming a member further before signing up, please contact hillingdonlearningpartnership@hillingdon.gov.uk.
Otherwise, we would be very grateful if you could complete the survey below indicating your willingness to sign up and the areas where you would most welcome support.
Best wishes,
Hillingdon Learning Partnership Working Group (Duncan Greig, Mel Penny, Fran Saunders, Mike Smith, Chris Cole, Abi Preston, Michael Hawkins)
Slides from Head Teachers Termly
- Please click here for the video presentation from the GRT Team.
- Public Health Update Slides: PH Head Teachers Termly Meeting_10.03.22 (PDF, 461 KB)
- SEND/DSG Update Slides: SEND & DSG HT Briefing March 2022 (PDF, 412 KB)
Bookings for SEND Panel can be made using this link: SEND Panel. For Headteachers to attend the Panel, please email confirmation of your chosen date to: senadmin@hillingdon.gov.uk
The latest SEND Newsletter can accessed be here.
Exclusions Guidance
The team have been working hard to develop new guidance for our schools around exclusions to support schools with the processes and procedures when issuing an exclusion. You can access the guidance using the following link: Exclusions Guidance & Support - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk)
Here you will find a document which includes guidance when excluding, contact details, model letters for each stage of exclusion, checklists and good practice ideas. We welcome any feedback on this document and hope school leaders find this useful.
Schools can find the link to the exclusions section of LEAP here: Exclusions - Leap (hillingdon.gov.uk)
Neil Kenny has joined Hillingdon as Lead Officer for Exclusions and Re-integration. All requests for support from Neil should go via the Exclusion Support email exclusionsupport@hillingdon.gov.uk and his mobile number is 07902 709166.
If you are in the position of permanently excluding a child please do use the form on this page as it comes directly to the Exclusion Support Team.
When issuing letters of exclusion please can you amend them so that parents are signposted to Exclusion Support via email. Please send all copies of letters via the Exclusion Support Email.
New NPQs for Autumn 2022
The new 2022 NPQs comprise the:
- NPQ for Leading Literacy - for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading literacy across a school, year group, key stage or phase
- NPQ for Early Years Leadership - for leaders qualified to at least level 3 with a full and relevant qualification [footnote 1] who are, or are aspiring to be:
- managers of private, voluntary and independent nurseries
- headteachers of school-based or maintained nurseries
- childminders with leadership responsibilities
- You can access the content frameworks for the 2022 NPQs at national professional qualification frameworks from autumn 2021:
- Further details will be announced in due course.
Recruitment in Schools
Schools are reminded that they can use the free government funded teacher vacancies portal to advertise school staff vacancies. Please click here for further information on how to advertise roles and how to view local vacancies.
National Child Exploitation Awareness Day - 18th March 2022
Schools are encouraged to use the attached email banner and virtual background to help raise awareness of National Child Exploitation Awareness Day 18th March 2022. Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership has focussed upon child sexual exploitation and this is now live until the 20th March. The banner will take people straight to the CEA Day resources on the website https://hillingdonsafeguardingpartnership.org.uk/home/communities/child-exploitation-awareness-day-18th-march-2022/. The themed virtual background can be used for Teams or Zoom. The banner and virtual background are relevant for any statutory, private and voluntary sector organisations who come into contact with children or young people who may be at risk of exploitation.
If schools could please let us know of any plans/activities for CEA Day within your agency and we can add these to the website.
Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership - SafeguardingPartnership@Hillingdon.gov.uk

Autism Acceptance Week - 28th March - 3rd April 2022
Please see link below for further information on Autism Acceptance Week with resources to share with staff and parents.
Celebrate Autism Acceptance Week - Let's Learn About Autism (autismeducationtrust.org.uk)
Free Webinar (Binnie the Baboon) with Dr Karen Treisman MBE
Hillingdon Virtual School is delighted to be welcoming back Dr Karen Treisman to deliver a two day live webinar on her book Binnie the Baboon, which centres on children who struggle with anxiety and stress.
It is essential that you can attend both sessions as they are designed to work in alongside each other. This is an extension of our training programme for Designated Teachers.
WHEN: Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st March
TIME: 9.30 am - 4.00 pm
VIA: Zoom
This webinar is particularly well suitable for all professionals working with vulnerable children. If you wish to attend, please complete the form using the link below no later than Friday 25th March. Book your place here.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Designated Teachers and Designated Safeguarding Leads have already been given a priority booking opportunity for this session.
Childhood Nutrition Resources - Please share with your teacher networks
The interactive NHS Food Scanner app can be used in the classroom to inspire pupils to make healthier choices. Please share the newsletter in the link below with your school networks. Teachers will be able to find cross-curricular healthier eating resources on the School Zone and encourage children to explore what a balanced diet is and help them to make simple, healthier swaps.
Interactive_accessible_pdf_Nutrition22 (PDF, 1 MB)
LA Schools' Governance Service Event - All Clerks
This virtual session is specifically designed for Clerks of maintained school Governing Boards. The LA Governance team will take you through the roles and responsibilities, processes and procedures, good practice and support. No pre-registration is needed and if Clerks would like any specific areas or questions covered, they should submit this to schoolgovernance@hillingdon.gov.uk by 15th March 2022.
Date: Tuesday 22nd March 2022
Time: 10:00-11:00
MS Teams Meeting Link: Click here to join the meeting
Abi Preston