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15th November 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see our weekly  round-up of schools' guidance update.




Academy assessment and moderation partner confirmation

Friday 19th November

Ongoing Reminders:


Submit the Educational Setting Status form daily via the following link:  



Submit Early Years attendance data to the DfE via this online form

December tbc


Support for Hillingdon Schools as Part of the Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Programme 

As part of our GRT programme offer to Hillingdon schools, we have created several support documents to help address barriers to learning and support schools to recognise effective practice.  

These materials can be found here on LEAP.  You'll also find details of organisations that can support schools and GRT families in a range of ways.

If you'd like to be part of the targeted programme, please contact us on:  grteducation@hillingdon.gov.uk


Primary Assessment and Moderation Briefing 2

Academies are reminded to inform the LA, by this Friday 19th November, of their moderation partnering plans (as required by the STA). Further details, along with training opportunities and guidance, can be found in the following attachment.

Primary Assessment and Moderation Briefing 2 Nov 21 (Word doc, 55 KB)


TikTok - Staff Abuse

It has been highlighted in the news that some school staff have been subject to a new TikTok trend of 'rating' teachers in some cases with this being quite abusive and discriminatory content. We are aware this has happened to some Hillingdon school staff which must be horrible for any staff member. If your staff have been affected, make sure this is taken seriously and the below steps followed as well as exploring what additional support they may require.  

The police are drafting a letter for schools to share with parents (if they wish) making clear that students creating and posting these may be constituting a crime that will be followed up by the police. This will be shared with all Hillingdon schools. We do advise that if this doesn't seem to be an issue in your setting at this time then schools may decide not to share this letter as it could peek students interest which could accidentally encourage this type of behaviour.  

If you are aware of this in your setting in the first instance, please report this to TikTok Report a video | TikTok Help Center for the post to be removed. The DfE are actively engaged with TikTok in having these posts removed.  

Regarding the students involved if you feel the post is abusive or discriminatory and therefore, may be committing a criminal offence please report this to your safer school's police officer (or for primary settings to Allyson Keith) for follow up and follow your behaviour policy (this would be classed as cyber-bullying).  

It will also be a good time to think about how you are addressing this wider issue with all pupils, both in RSE and in general day to day communications - do you have anything in the curriculum currently regarding cyber-bullying, trolling, abusive behaviour etc? Perhaps adapting this to ensure it includes not just peer on peer but also behaviour towards adults/staff and both the impact on the adult as well as on the young person in engaging in this.   

Here are a couple that link to cyberbullying/ trolling: 

Free cyberbullying resources for teachers - Childnet 

Bullying and cyberbullying — KS3 and KS4 lesson plan | PHE School Zone 

Cyberbullying - UK Safer Internet Centre 

Trolling and Cyber-Bullying - BBC Teach 

Safeguarding Essentials - Beware of the Trolls (e-safetysupport.com)  

Caroline Flack may be a good example to use and one young people will be aware of - looking at how people that didn't know her felt able to comment on her appearance, behaviour, rumours etc and the impact that can have on someone. #bekind 

This will also be a good time to remind staff about their own social media privacy settings and protecting themselves online. Have they got someone to check that their private accounts/pictures can't be accessed by someone who isn't a friend, have they searched for themselves online to see what comes up? Privacy settings on social media often change and staff sometimes find themselves caught out at what pupils may have access too.  The UK safer internet centre has some tips for staff in how to think about/check Social media here What can I do? - UK Safer Internet Centre and a helpline for staff. 

For any additional support please contact Hannah Ives at hives@hillingdon.gov.uk.


Head Teacher Termly Presentations

Thank to you to everyone who attended the meeting last week. We hope you found this useful.  Attached are the slides from the speakers. 

Head Teachers’ Termly Autumn 2021 - Public Health presentation (PDF, 843 KB)

Head Teachers briefing November 2021 SEND (PDF, 712 KB)

DLD Training for HT forum Nov 2021 (PDF, 380 KB)

Brilliant Parents Headteachers Termly November 2021 (PDF, 159 KB)

Warrender Ofsted Timetable day 1 (PDF, 52 KB)   Warrender Ofsted Timetable day 2 (PDF, 49 KB)


CAMHS Single Point of Access & Urgent Mental Health Support

Please see below attachments from CAMHS as follows:

SPA Poster Final with links (PDF, 125 KB)

Urgent mental health support for children young people and families (PDF, 263 KB)


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